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Antique Nuance - New Items

glass parts
article no. 2706-513n

glass parts
Price: Yen 800

card in frame
article no. 2706-511n

card in frame
Price: Yen 9,800(8,800)

old console
article no. 2706-509c

old console
Price: Yen 33,000->23,000

mini quilt beater
article no. 2706-506u

mini quilt beater
Price: Yen 1,800

paris souvenir
article no. 2706-503u

paris souvenir
Price: Yen 5,800

paper box
article no. 2705-573w

paper box
Price: Yen 8,800(7,800)

mini glass dome
article no. 2705-569um

mini glass dome
Price: Yen 17,000->13,000

glass case
article no. 2705-554c

glass case
Price: Yen 12,000->8,000 HOLD

wax flower
article no. 2705-553c

wax flower
Price: Yen 9,800(8,800)

vintage tassel
article no. 2705-550em

vintage tassel
Price: Yen 12,500->6,500

article no. 2705-548hj

Price: Yen 14,500->8,000 HOLD

article no. 2705-529ea

Price: Yen 10,800(9,800)

medailles set
article no. 2705-520

medailles set
Price: Yen 3,500 HOLD

lamp shade
article no. 2705-517u

lamp shade
Price: Yen 9,800

mini stand
article no. 2705-515jf

mini stand
Price: Yen 4,800

oval frame
article no. 2705-504c

oval frame
Price: Yen 9,800(8,800)

floral head dress
article no. 2704-J-M74

floral head dress
Price: Yen 13,500->9,500HOLD

article no. 2704-J-M72

Price: Yen 5,800->4,000

article no. 2704-J-M69

Price: Yen 4,000->26,00HOLD

article no. 2704-J-M67

Price: Yen 3,300

beads flower set
article no. 2704-J-M64

beads flower set
Price: Yen 8,800->5,800

article no. 2704-J-M33

Price: Yen 9,200->6,200

article no. 2704-J-M12

Price: Yen SOLD

ear clip
article no. 2704-G8

ear clip
Price: Yen 4,500 HOLD

article no. 2703-559

Price: Yen 6,500

salad server
article no. 2703-540um

salad server
Price: Yen 11,800

thee zeef
article no. 2703-539b

thee zeef
Price: Yen 7,800(6,800)

antique frame
article no. 2703-526d

antique frame
Price: Yen 19,800(17,000)

old candle stand
article no. 2703-521C

old candle stand
Price: Yen 14,800 HOLD

old book
article no. 2703-515c

old book
Price: Yen 11,300(10300)HOLD

article no. 2703-514d

Price: Yen 10,300->5,300

glassdome maria
article no. 2703-508t

glassdome maria
Price: Yen 21,500->16,500

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