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doll 21cm
article no. 2912-5014k

doll 21cm
Price: Yen 39,800->29,800HOLD

article no. 2912-5010

Price: Yen 10,500(8,500)

doll chair
article no. 2912-5009w

doll chair
Price: Yen 11,800(10800)

article no. 2912-5006w

Price: Yen 9,800(8800)

dog family
article no. 2912-5005w

dog family
Price: Yen 6,800(4,800)

article no. 2912-5003w

Price: Yen 4,400

2 tiny frames
article no. 2912-5002w

 2 tiny frames
Price: Yen 5,300

cotton dolls
article no. 2912-dolls

cotton dolls
Price: Yen

cotton doll
article no. 2912-599t

cotton doll
Price: Yen 13,500(11500)HOLD

cotton doll
article no. 2912-598t

cotton doll
Price: Yen 13,500(11500)HOLD

cotton doll
article no. 2912-597t

cotton doll
Price: Yen 13,500(11500)HOLD

floral string
article no. 2912-595ta

floral string
Price: Yen 11,800(9,800

floral pin stick
article no. 2912-593LR

floral pin stick
Price: Yen 5,000(3,000)

glass decoration
article no. 2912-592L

glass decoration
Price: Yen 7,700(6,700)

bisque doll
article no. 2912-591k

bisque doll
Price: Yen 18,000(17000)

bisqui angel
article no. 2912-590k

bisqui angel
Price: Yen 8,900

french fabric box
article no. 2912-589mt

french fabric box
Price: Yen 16,800 HOLD

tiny bag
article no. 2912-586a

tiny bag
Price: Yen 4,800

muff for dolls
article no. 2912-585a

muff for dolls
Price: Yen 4,800 HOLD

beads tiny bag
article no. 2912-584a

beads tiny bag
Price: Yen 11,300->7,300

article no. 2912-353a

Price: Yen 2,800

baby shoes
article no. 2912-581ta

baby shoes
Price: Yen 10,900->7,000

article no. 2912-579-k

Price: Yen 12,500(11500)HOLD

vintage doll
article no. 2912-577kt

vintage doll
Price: Yen 6,800(4,800)

mini set
article no. 2912-pr08

mini set
Price: Yen 4,200

parfum bottle
article no. 2912-pr06

parfum bottle
Price: Yen 6,400(4,400)HOLD

article no. 2912-pr05

Price: Yen 6,400(4,400)HOLD

article no. 2912-pr04

Price: Yen 6,400(4,400)HOLD

beads bag
article no. 2912-572bk

beads bag
Price: Yen SOLD

fabric box
article no. 2912-570bk

fabric box
Price: Yen 11.800(10800)HOLD

boxes set
article no. 2912-566

boxes set
Price: Yen 10,000(9000)HOLDl

tiny bag
article no. 2912-565

tiny bag
Price: Yen 10,300 HOLD

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