Antique Nuance - Iwamoto Decorative ArtsNew items!Lace and textile!Silver and Lady's Accessories!Country style!Glass and Porcelain!Postcards!Miscellaneous!

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Antique Nuance - New Items

cushion toy bed frame old foot stool
happy set happy set happy set basket
mini basket box fabric box 3 glass cases
set of 4 frames pin case &... pin glass basket
happy set communie ribbon doll basket set
beads sac porcelain kitty ladys bag -19c oval mirroir
tiny crown doll dress set 35cm doll dress 30cm french box
torso old frame old metal frame shabby cabinet
set vinatage label mini frame-mozaik oil painting
antique box parfum box & card doll basket frame
violettes set jardiniere corset box &... toy bed
ballet shoes ballet shoes piano stool fabric box
wall deco set ornament lace frame ring display stand
egg doll ruban old cushion old box
frame paper box ballet shoes mini fabric box
glass case small glassdome vintage doll paper box
paper box doll chair easter bunnyset easter set
candy box la mode 1896 sample book flowers
doll basket candybox-bunny candy box-bunny silver glass
dressing tray glass dome &... oil painting medaile
photo hanger tiny frame set tiny dog
labels vintage flower lace basket lac basket
mini cushion 3 cushions lace cushion old box-paper
round box -cats watch case vintage crown steiff
special set dragee box soap box parts set
cigarette cards 45 frame antique frame set
mini cushion lace basket flower basket hanger
french doll 17cm old easter bunny old easter bunny old bunny
old bunny pep assort set old parts mini crown
easter bunny easter egg bunny easter bunny godslamp &
old print frame brocante set tool tiny jardiniere
set of 3 doll cart oval frame corset
easter bunny old stand doll bed antique torso
vintage wallpaper wedding stand wax flower in glass
parts small frame set tiny shade
mariage stand pharmacy box jardiniere shabby shade
oval frame opera glass old shelf happy set
old oil painting old print in frame french frame old basket(damaged)
french frame mini crown mini crown glass tray
glass tray  bisque doll set button case old box
box oil painting -cat murano mirroir murano mirror
wooden birdcage doll house vintage brooch print frame-cat
vase angel console candle stand set
hat box mon ami Jesus stand mirroir
floral tiara rie cramer book shabby doll bed ballet shoes
watch stand old console window decoration mini set
wax flower old shade silver plated beads
waxtiara in basket brod.basket baby shoes vintage  poodle
box set old angel wing vintage angelwing
angel wing child cape mini sheep mini crown
mini crown mini crown 3 angels cookie pot
cookie box
cookie box saving box santa candle stand ornaments
vintage ornaments maria statue doll cart toy cabinet
pop loving brocante set paper santa
christmas set B mini glass ring torso
cushion  ornaments old ornaments ornaments set &
old glass ornaments flower basket ribbon frame vintage candles
set  vintage santa cookie pot set
theater fountain parts mirror door cushion
lace cushion round cushion cushion mini cushion
small cushion old mini cushion flower arch box
15 mode dolls ornaments vintage set
paper weight mode frame set bisqui
display stand wooden shelf floral basket mini hitsuji
mode book 1867 cushion-new- mini hitsuji tiny angel figure
ornament-papier ornaments set angel set angel set
angel set angel pair angel parfum brooch
angel ornanemt mini hitsuji mini hitsuji mini hitsuji
mini mini tree vintage santa glass tree 22cm glass tree 22cm
glass tree 22cm glass tree 17cm glass tree 15cm glass tree 15cm
set child shoes 12 glass  ornaments old tree
old tree vintage tree mini sheep mini sheep
glass tree 31cm glass tree 18cm glass tree 15cm glass tree 15cm
glass tree 16cm glass tree 8cm mini glass tree mini glass tree 6cm
angel small santa santa santa
santa ornament ornament old ornament
pair numbers Xmas set Xmas set
tray tray mini set mini set
chiristmas set lorgnette baby bed cross medaille
old brooch case beads fabric box tiny basket
parts napoleon set old candle stand tree brooch
tiny hook pink bear toy buggy feathers set
11 ornaments bisqui dolls set mini hitsuji
mini tree evening bag half doll display table
feathers old glass ornaments Xmas music stand glass tree
case Xmas stable glass tree glass tree
glass tree 10cm glass tree 11cm glass tree 11cm child book-vintage
vintage tiny angel tiny buttons display stand
display stand mop case hand clip angel tin box
p.p set mini stand am doll miniture portrait
3 frames set brush-angel C&R doll 16cm
mini doll 9cm watch hanger glass ornament angel
doll cabinet doll cabinet small cabinet doll chair
doll furniture photo stand monogram album
old print frame angel statue 2 boxes flower
small basket tin box box ornament
tiny stand tiny box soap box lace cushion
flower basket flower basket foot stool glass objet
glass tree glass tree--mini glass tree glass tree
glass tree glass tree glass tree glass tree
glass tree glass tree glass tree glass tree
glass tree glass tree tiny doll 13cm glass dome
Perles beads parts glass markers
candle lamp monogram book miniture doggie set of 2
set of 3 doggie pair doll parts
glass shade parts souvenir set souvenir set french box
vintage parfum bottle sofa doll foot stool
6 spoons set small screen wall clock-vintage bisque doll
small painting brod.cushion mini sewing stand wax angel frame
porc.tray vintage feathers puter vase
magagin rek floral basket L liquer glasses
table mirroir lace bag beads ornament oval rose painting
tiny cushion doll bed set tiny screen
plate cabinet wax flower wax tiara
glass case set buste & corset ballet shoes
vintage vintage old souvenir flower arch
wax flower oil painting-pansy beads flower set tiny basket
child torso-pink maria frame magnifing glass antique hair komb
plateau gips & foot stool sawing stand
big basket special set 3 revue de la mode wall holder
tiny angel angel statue mini crown mini crown &.. 2 old jewel cases flower tiara flower tiara
tiny photo stand wedgwood lace screen
french fabric box set tiny cabinet
portrait glass maria medaille charity set
charity set set of 2 menu bord mozaik frame
pill case pill case tiny case lace piece
ribbon frame wooden shelf violette soap box glass shade
8 books doll table cushion s fabric box
stoup stoup wooden box tiny doll bed
fabric box wall decoration parts
lace basket lace cushion mini lace cushion mini lace cushion -mini
charity set lace cushion- tiny doll set doll hat set
French cabinet lace cushion old print frame 2 cushions set
stoup tiny pot tiny painting cosages
set set  praying angel bisque doll 15cm
console pop tiny bisque doll wax flower
flower parts hanky case hanky case doll bed
hanky case dollhat in box pair
19c footstool case French cabinet old french box
glass case charity photo hanger tray
bisque stoup rozary set vintage
doll corset letter holder doll bed French box
old painting sewing stand French basket small shelf
ballet shoes glass dome paper flowers bronze ornament
old stoup pastel painting stoup parts
angel mini wooden angel set doll corset
doll corset tiny halfdoll glass case old parfum bottle
sofa doll wooden angel mirroir set of 4 frames
angel jardiniere old print in frame angel
flower basket s tiny cushion lace cushion display table
sofa doll set doll bed
lace cushion mini cushion mini cushion mini cushion
baby box mini cushion violet set
set glass jardinier box mini hats set
set mini crown S 2.6cm mini crown M 4cm mini crown L 5cm
angel glass vintage steiff print in frame
wine table wooden shelf door stopper-angel old pressed glass
doll chair shelf-- S French box
old cushion tiny stand paper box tiny doll chair
tiny tray child shoes child shoes frame
wax tiara old mirroir
angel hanger angel doll chair
doll chair tiny fan glass tiara wooden shelf
set of 2 vintage hatbox pink bear journal demoiselles
pair doll sheet doll bed - mini dragee box dol head
doll head miniture figure ornament glass dome
metal case hat pin cushion lace cushion
lace cushion pink set blue set glass dome
frame-fan style sand glass egg basket paper box
corsage flower parts small metal tray tiny wax flower
wax flower lace cushion doll house lovely set
frame display case french box box
frame set set cushion
wax medaille hat box-vintage box
mode print frame 2 cushions set tiny bisque doll old toy
child bracelet box old boxes affiche
tiny crown tiny crown tiny crown GW special
GW special set thread case medaille mini cushion
set set tiny fan small crown
tiny crown pin cushion-heart 2 glasses glass hat pins
tiny glass tray mariage stand display stand set
set lace cushion lace cushion s glass hanger
table clock fabric box pin cushion -swan floral hat
doll chair naai doos 2 french boxes flower
tiny flower tiny doll bisqui doll 12,5cm tiny doll
pin cushion baby shoes mini steiff bear  print frame-cats
pop monogram cabinet baby shoes
floral basket lampshade set lace cushion lace cushion
small baby  bear doll trunk pin cushion cushion-round
murano mirroir 2 mini sheeps ornament french cushion
angel poesie oil painting mini corset marimekko set
parfum bottles muguet de france beads cover
set flower tiara glass parts stained glass
stained glass wall lamp vintage bag toy piano
lamp small plate old buttons lace cushion
lace cushion lace cushion lace cushion jewel case-angel
wall lamp
glass case easter bunny paper roll vintage doll
vintage doll old goblin set feathers set lace cushion
lace cushion hatpin cushion stand jardinier
tiny case tiny cabinet hatpin cushion lace cushion
lace cushion tiny bisque dolls easter ornamnet easter set
steiff lamby lace cushion lace cushion pin cushion
easter bunny choco mould vintage doll vintage doll
bunny set ring case tiny angel set of 3
photo stand old print frame tiny glass cover vintage cushion
bunny set lace basket lace basket sheep ornament
music box small bag  in basket doll waer
old cushion lace cushion lace cushion cushion set
cushion set oval frame mop case holy basin
rose set lace cushion hatpin cushion print in frame
print in frame lace cushion lace cushion lace cushion
lace cushion set of 3 pin cushion antique child shoes
set of 3 cushion cushion cushion
cushion cushion cushion baby shoes
ballet wear tutu ballet wear tutu box flower
cushion small photostand flower set tiny purce
vintage fan crown set flower basket gloria
tiny doll 11,5cm old oval frame fabric box
blue set wall decoration vintage tray set mirroir
doll in case 2 tiny doggies vintage dolls
vintage set motto frame dolls parasol corsage
old print set basket set set lace in box
shelf set baby shoes box
photo stand angel pair mini cushion(silk) fabric box
savon des bebes maria statue oil painting
vintage pot cover old box doll bed foot stool
doll in trunk dolls furniture miniture houses~ vintage lampshade set
old opera glass 2 shabby shades fabric box pop
clip oval frame old box tiny frame
chocolate box small wooden stand tiny dolls tiny doll
tiny doll opera glass metronoom new year pack 11
new year pack10 new year pack 8 new year pack 8 new year pack 2
new year pack 1 many cosages in basket muff for doll tiny dolls~~!
vintage doll mini poodle old box frame
cotton doll doll chair tiny bag tiny lace purce
cushion 30cm 3 old small books 4 sheeps set
ornament parfum bottle crystal old trees
display table boudoir set old frame note book
2 cases tiny ornament bunny happy set french cabinet
vintage chuchu lovery set lovely mini set morpho
vintage set angel wing happy set happy  set
wax flower wax  flower laundry basket S shabby silk box
box old cosages old cosages brooch
jardiniere display stand dragee box dragee box
blue set hanky case porcelain rose old crown
wax bouquet cushion vintage mat flower basket &..
cushion hanky case 1901 calendar flower tiara
vintage art flower ornament 2 mini sheeps &.. Sunday happy set
Sunday happy set sunday happy set emaille bidet cushion 15cm
cushion- heart cushion mini  cushion mini cushion 20cm
piano roll rose set old frame paper ornament
miniture set cushion 18cm Heubach-k,30cm jeanne darc living
xmas set photo stand doll hat bride basket
half doll photo stand victorian bag table cleaner brush
box 1859-1860 1855 mini sheep
xmas set vintage ornaments vintage tree total 4m
mini candlestands old print candle stand mini sheep
white feathes aquarel vintage goblin la mode illustre
antique frame medaille stone collection old print
display stand set set toy cabinet
powder case vintage opera glass
round tray vintage tree 2 dragge boxes savon a la violette
S&H doll-15cm tiny doll-13cm tiny doll-10cm tiny doll-10,5cm
small pink bear tiny basket set figure
miniture set set bag tiny hook
1864-65 1854 old stool ornaments in box
ornaments ornaments in box ornaments in box 10 tiny ornaments
ornaments floral tiara floral tiara floral tiara
floral tiara French cabinet stand
set jardinier set lorgnette angel doll
2 frames (set) medaille old wooden box
floral tiara glass tree glass tree glass  tree
glass tree child boots cream soap box antique crown
egg basket ring display 2 wooden bords dolls set
6 tiny dolls violettes parfum lace cushion glas tree set
glass tree & glass tree & glass tree set glass tree &
glass tree set glass tree set bisqui angel figures set
Xmas in dome~ glass objet glass tree glass tree
glass tree glass tree glass trees set glass trees
box antique French frame vintage shades set bride stand
brides box 1880 la mode 1878 1860-1861 1856-57
tiny pouch display stand set of 2 shades set of 2 shades
lace cushion lace cushion lace cushion lace cushion
lace cushion mini cushion hatpin cushion mini cushion
small doll small doll tiny doll wooden hanger
mini frame enamel buttons violette de toulouse oil painting
French boutis mode book 1855-1856 mode book 1857-1858 mode book 1858-1859
2 sheeps set mini sheep fabric box antique crown
mini crown wedding stand wired beads wired beads
floral basket rose cosages in box small shades set mini sheep
2 angel wings floral basket S parfum box old box
wooden shelf small shelf feathers gouppy print frame
set ornaments toy lace doll hat
ornaments ornaments ornaments old ornaments
candle klip Xmas set feather jardiniere
salt pot & spoon bottle holder doll hat doll hat & stand
doll hat & stand cushion set soap box soap box
vintage tree 3 pharmacy boxes tiny basket christmas set
ornamnet ornament ornament ornament
ornament hat pin hatpin salt&pepper set
murano mirroir murano mirror wrist warmer
angel objet 2 siluette frames wooden bookend rozary
hatpin hat pin box tree set
mini tree set glass tree set tree set glass tree
glass tree glass tree glasss tree pill case
set of tree(damaged) glass tree vintage brooch glass tree
mini tres set sheep cart ornaments in box ornaments in box
ornaments set tree set weather set wooden plate
wooden plate glass tree glass tree glass tree
glass tree hair komb glass brooch mini glass tree
glass tree glass tree & gift glass tree & gift glass tree & gift
glass tree & gift glass tree & gift mini doll 8cm mini doll 9cm
mini doll 9cm small doll 15cm  doll 15cm
doll shoes tiny tiara Christmas plate mini  trunk set
doll cabinet wall deco curtain bar tin box
tin box wall decoration oil painting
candle stand set bottle hanger plate paper box benitier
benitier mop rozary case souvenir set toy
presentation box sewing kit jumeau pop
alsas set set beads band toy
toy toy cabinet glass tiny doll
old print frame benitier la decoration interieure alsace set
alsace set Provence set 9 clips 16 clips
craft parts drawing 1890 tiny shelf
wooden shelf stand flower parts set
doll making kit pin cushion hand clip ballet shoes-noir
hat box sheep on wheel 2 paper boxes oil painting 1916
old aqua jug round frame ciel de lit
half doll dancing clown set set
oil painting old hand clip tray set ornament
murano  mirroir oil painting small crown tiny  crown
tiny crown tiny crown mini crown tiny jug
doll dress doll corset small doll mini violin
request item clips 10 9 curtain clips limoge mirror
mode print frame mini tray set of 3 pastel portrait
blik bak curtain bar degas lithografie candle stand
wooden frame 5 stamps candle stand candle stands set
opaque glass many in box box foot stool
tiny doll 21cm flower card frame old game wall deco set
lace tray floral tiara tiny mirroir folding fan
cookie jar set of 3 lamp shade angel decoration
angel -bisqui door stopper-bunny lamp shade doll  chair
doll corset doll corset bag fabric box
long metal tray set of 3 2  lamp shades child sewing kit
S&H,K&Rdoll 14cm. doll cabinet bag clasp
small cushion dragee box tiny shelf photo stand
mode print book doll chair vintage chuchu tiny tray
hanger doll shop oil painting porc.bookend
wooden shelf 2angels in box bobbin pillow vintage shade set
hat stand brocante set dragee box rose set
R/A wall clock child shoes tiny paintings set toy
mini bunny steiff mini ballet shoes frame
old baby wagon set set set
set set set set
set doll cabinet fashion print frame
set of 2 jewel case tin box AM doll 390
corsage mini crown flower hat flower hat
tiara mini cushion cabinet tiara
avon savon violet set (pink) set (pink) set (blue)
set (blue) set (blue) tiny bisqui doll small doll bed
savon box craft parts set frame letter clip
4 old books communie tiara oval frame set
set for crafts wall pocket rose painting
gravure frame jardiniere angel plate
document holder round box dress case 2 boxes set
mini crown wooden parts foot stool
set set set of 3 trays ciel de lit
pen set angel container parts in box toy singer
lace panel parasol parasol glass shade
glass shade glass shade wall paper wall paper
wall papers wall paper set set wall lamp
GWspecial set special set violette set table lamp
table lamp Effel lamp mini parasol fashion papers
old prints set tiny dolls tiny brooch glass brooch
glass brooch glass brooch ornament 2 tiny bears
mini bear old powder case sucredulcor set
box old print old print goblin panel
table lamp rose set box box
small tray toy mini hitsuji tiny doll
K&L  tiny doll tiny doll small doll
flowers of holy land wall lamp old frame old ring case
2 tiny hat boxes poodle lamp box floral tiara
sachet cosage set bag floral hat
hat stand maria hanger monogram parts tiny paper case
tiny ring case powder case violette toulouse small frame
french basket wooden box mould mini
old ad.paper ink pot half doll easter egg box
easter brooch ring holder tiny parts set mini hook
mini frame jewel case watch case toy - broderie
pen case abm needle case pin disc tiny crown
pair tiny box frame printemp box
set travel alter almanach pour 1914 2 mini sheeps
baby box beads bag tray cosages
3 hangers set of 4 table set toy shop
photo stand wall shelf kunst en industie miniatuur
happy easter set warm dish happy easter set doll 20cm
French box wooden angel baby walker 1910 set of 3
mini box miniature box cross
mini doll mini doll child chair set
set mis book angel set mini set
SFBJ 64cm S&H cm Bergmann.60cm pen tray
antique doll lace screen minimini crown medaille
doll cabinet doll cabinet doll cabinet doll chair
old tiny cushion tiny tools set glass case set (damaged)
painting floral tiara floral tiara baby bed cross
mini mini oval frame doll dress & .... lace cushion set
floral basket tin box parts set
oil painting easter egg savon box special set
ciel de lit oil painting vintage hatpins vintage hatpins
half doll sofa doll sofa doll set of 2
set of 2 set flower tiara set
danish frame set card holder stands frame set
st antoine pin cushion -cat tiny crown easter ornament  set
mini set mini stand lace screen small stand
foot stool half doll box set set
murano mirror murano mirror set set
set cosages floral hat vintage chignon clip
brocante pop toy basket tiny doll shoes doll shoes
bisqui benitier miniature set set
Harrods hatbox set set  hat stand
needle cushion tiny painting babybed cross mini cushion
tiara tiara tiara miniture
stand old ornament wax angel in dome vintage grisly bear
old  bear new year pack 8 new year pack 7 new year pack 6
new year pack 5 new year pack 4 French cabinet angel frame
maria statue lovely basket holy water dish small console
tiny cushion case pin cushion doll box
screen procession lantern small painting presentation box
angel ornament brooch tiara glass powder case
tiny case farmacy cabinet pop tiny tiara
tiny tiara paper plate frame toy piano
maria glass maria wax bouque in dome beads deco
oude schaal glass tray ornamets in tin box ornaments& cloth
glass case wrist warmer wrist warmer wrist warmer
wrist warmer wrist warmer wrist warmer tiny sheeps
 Christmas balls 3 feathers crystoleum sofa doll
Christmas set angel pair angel pair angel pair
remade cushion small drawer blanket ornaments & lace
set Christmas set angel set lace in box
praying angel brooch praying angels old display stand
statue shelf stand print happy winter set miniture set
small jardiniere beads bag jardinier mini frame
oil painting old print round box old oil painting
set of 2 peps in box gips tiny doll
sofa doll candy box doll half doll
12 cosarges small shelf glass case vintage
baby gift set tiny doll floral basket S bag
glass case vintage ornment set glass ornaments Christmas set
tree set Christmas set mini mini tree miniatuur
miniatuur set ear clip brooch
glass tree set glass tree set glass tree glass tree
glass tree lace screen ornament set antique rozary
mop rozary candle stand vintage set card holder stand
mini box ornament ornament
ornament set ornament set ornament set
ornament set ornament ornaments ornaments
painted stand photo frame brod.tray
stand Xmas set powder case old tapestry
evening bag tiny tree 17c delft tile angel brooch
angel brooch angel brooch glass brooch wooden angel
set of 2 boxes old music box old evening bag metal basket
 2 tiny boxes tiny angel set candle stand
candle stand black mini dog doll hat wooden easel
hanger french frame glass set glass tree set
doll set wish candle doll skate shoes 4 mini sheep
bisqui bebe comming to japan glass brooch screen
pp parfum bottle pp ring case glass tree set glass tree set
glass tree set miniture violin pluim foot stool
medailles big glass tree glass tree set lace screen
pop glass trees glass trees glass tree mini
set glass tree set angel watch stand maria staue
metal vase  set of 3 miniature miniature
glass tree glass tree glass tree glass tree set
glass tree glass tree paper box -cat old godiva box
angel brooch glass brooch glass brooch glass tree set
tree set glass tree set mini glass tree glass tree mini
glass tree glass tree glas tree  glass tree
mini glass tree mini glass tree glass tree glass tree
mini tree mini tree glass objet glass objet
glass tree set boutis weathers angel brooch
angel print angel print box snow babies
Provence set small painting set swallow set
small angel print baby bed parts key hanger wooden box
set of 4 tiny maria in case set holly stand screen
tiny object tiny babywagon babybed cross rozary
small painting small painting KLM huisjes glass tray
tiny painting jeanne darc living tiny basket
KLM huisjes lace screen pop calendar 1901
hanger tiny parasol flower hat goebel
chimney  cleaner poststamps box vintage bag tiny box
buste vintage bag tin box set -angels peps
abm epingles set of 2 hat stand card box
brooch set tiny  floral basket
tiny angel frame Goebel angels ballet shoes old print
oil painting angel set danish frames 4 boxes set
eventail  2 pots set 18c delft tiles set
swallow set toy cabinet hand fan set
5 glass cases 2 cushions French cabinet set
set locket maria statue summer special set
jeanne darc living wish candle rose print tiny tray
mozaik pill case album with 23cards metal basket tiny box
mini cushion set set set
wish candle cake stand dragee box set
set fan in box tiny lace doll old doll shoes
old lace cushion tiny wax tiara tiny wax tiara 20 glass drops
tenerif lace book special set stand goblin frame
summer special set photo stand souvenir brooch ivory coin purce
doll head set of 3 set of 3 crystoleum
ribbon hook oval frame set of 6 sewing box
parfum bottle Sucre case cameo baby brush
fan set ornament
wax flower frame set 19c pastel painting ballet shoes
tiny frame statue basket
pop tiny cosage goebel angel
cherry ambers set set old hat box
plate 19c oil painting table mirror 19c aquarel
paper box old box old French box old French box
tiara tiny bisque doll tiny bisque doll nursing toy set
tiny doll in box roger&galeet small painting-cats oil painting-cats
parfum bottle set praying angel pair set set
old paper portrait painting au bon marche box old pen&ink stand
book stand horse brass letter clip shabby minitable
frame AM doll oil painting mini toy set
mini toy set painted frame French doll bed print in frame
tiara parts hang frame repro
18c delft tile -dog photo frame tin box p/s swan set
ornament pin cushion soap box set
set oil painting set cosages set B
medaille savon muget set silver glass maria
glass parts 31 curtain rings old frame medaille
print frame special set mariage dome mariage dome
mariage dome mariage dome murano glass mirroir tiny cushion
bed parts display frame lace cushion pharmacy box
fabric box oval wooden stand ribbon frame
old print frame angel mini cushion corset box
panel flower basket card holder set-swans antique painting
bridal stand tiny stand accesory stand old hat stand
aquarel small painting old basket old doll chair
tiny cabinet shabby toy bed bird parts tiny old box
angel print parts pp bag tiny frame
engraving painting cats ring holder spoon set
tiny frame doll violet set hatpin stand
old print in frame fashion print frame table torso ornaments set
wooden frame old pot mop bracelet French doll head
doll flower mini rammelaar photo stand
half doll on chair French mirroir angel decoration foot rest
foot rest wall hanger floral basket medailles
medailles medailles brooch hat pin
sample sheet maria statue mirroir old gips statue
opera glass set of 6 parasol in box
set of 2 set of 3 chandellier
ciel de lit 17c delft 17c  delft 17c delft
17c delft wish candle wall lamp communie pop
 set glass tiara glass tiara cushion
old tin box table lamp basket
table lamp lace fan antique hair cap tiara & brooch
old box set of 2 benetier ribbons in box
corsage vintage JB tiny basket hat stand
flower hat set vintage tusel set
table dust pan mini set anccesory stand candle stand
souvenir basket L glass shade tiny basket
silver charm-bear parts ring display holder angel case
squere glass dome antique brush frame antique painting
old print jardiniere hand bag 17c delft tile
church item maria statue drawer old print
mini frame glass dome spoons
print in frame bakje lamp celluloid frame
stand oval frame wax tiara wooden ornament
vitage frame photo frame vintage parts
ornamnt praying angel glass dome S parfum box
jeanne darc living 2 set glass maria praying angel
floral basket ornament old stamp case sofa doll
display stand candlestand doll parts
panel jeanne darc living ring holder set
coffee mil maria statue wooden ornament panel
heart ornament drieluik  stand maria staue
stamp maria in dome glass candle stand sofa doll
new year sp pck sp pack old frame oil painting
tiny jardiniere tiny doll floral basket violette de toulouse
praying angel sofa doll 17c delft tile 17c delft tile
17c delft tile souvenir de communion French photo stand glass tray
violette souvenir mini screen liefde voor brocante old ornament
rings silk box glass brooch poudle silver glass coupe
corsages in drawer devotie heart heart ornament cushion
glass dome L baldachin candle stand panel painting
candle stand ornament ornament torso
torso set of 2 birds set of 3 happy set
glass button 18c grisaille painting mini stand sounenir
souvenir ribbon frame oval frame glass ornament
aquarel painting tiny French doll mini candle stands old opera glass
ciel de lit communie set mini  cushion vintage ornaments
set display tray box rose print set
bottle ring bottle ring wax in frame wax flower set
wax tiara frame angel frame old glass case
opaline glass old ornament mini old tree lavender sachet
oil painting glass dome french shelf brooch
glass candlestand lavender sachet set old ornament
old ornament old ornaments sofa doll sofa doll
goblin cushion old ornament old ornament old ornament
angel ornaments set angel candle stand mop cross in case glove case
angel console hair pin hair stick
bottle ring glass tree set glass tree set glass tree set
glass tree set antique christmas tree vintage tree vintage tree
ornaments tiny angel floral basket mini maria frame
angel pair set Xmas set glass tree set brooch
wooden maria weekend special weekend special
time service sale time service sale set book
special time service special time service tiny frame angel hook
frame wall lamp panel painting old brode.1918
silver brush boa la mode illust 1890 wall lamp
table lamp WF toy doll & bed
tiny egg basket tiny basket wooden ornament frame
wooden tray tiny basket tiny basket clover box
old ornament glass ornament old ornament old oenamnet
glas ornament glass ornament glass oranment glass tree
set of 3 brooch mini glass tree glass tree glass tree
souvenir ARI doll steiff POSSY mini tree
oval oil painting card holders set vintage santa
hair pin glass tree glass tree set
ornaments set ornamnts set ornaments
owl lamp glass tree brooch
set brooch brooch set
glass tree ornaments set ornaments set antique ornament
vintage tree antique xmas tree xmas ornament book Xmas ornament set
xmas gift for dolls glass tree set glas tree glass tree
glass tree glass tree stand frame
set of 4 card in frame table bell table bell
glass tiara glass tiara mini mini komb
violette parfum lourdes souvenir clip set of 2 birds
set of 3 birds set of 2 birds tree brooch glass tree
floral basket vase table lamp ligting
chandelier small lighting set of 2 birds set of 2 birds
wall bird glass tree glass tree glass tree
glass tree glass tree mini tree tonakai san
journal enfants glass tree glass
mini tree mini tree glass brooch angel brooch
oval wooden plate shabby frame cosarge tiny pin cushion
tiny bouquet glass tree glass tree glass tree
glass tree glass tree candle stand wooden maria statue
maria place mat set goblin cover goblin cover
napkin holder vintage hang angel old ornament pill case
set hand clip glass tree holy water font
fashion frame old box violette de toulouse opera glass
mini candlestand box old box mini glass tree
glass tree glass tree glass tree glass tree
glass tree angel set
glass tree glass tree glass tree glass tree
vintage belt bag tiny bisque doll mini bisqui doll
parfum bottle baby rattle medaille frame old christmas tree
old christmas tree old christmas tree old christmas tree old christmas tree
small painting wax doll in dome beads tussel mini mini stolp
frame mariage objet silver medaille old paper
half doll set set st.janneke pair
soap box angel bisque doll mini doll dog
petite mercerie stamp sealer metronome buckle
angel stand dinplay shelf oil painting
angel frame set glass tree mini jardinier
tea pot warmer oil painting easel glass dome with,,,
oil painting chimney stand uzes porc. basket  corner shelf
souvenir set F souvenir set E souvenir set D souvenir set C
souvenir set B souvenir set A marche bag
stand watch hanger happy set happy angel set
buste bookmarker oval painting 1918 mini
bag kate greenaway French cushion AM pop 390
AM pop 390 bisqui frame holly stand lace purce
parts set wedding case powder box
vintage bag vintage bag Lourdes souvenir spoon set
candle stand lovely box half doll small glass dome
bird cage salad server set bisqui old candle stand
shell purce glass cabinet ARI pop shabby photo frame
letter holder set 2 lamp shades
gips maria wedding dome vintage soap set old print frame
old hanger set old frame tiny maria statue
set redoute DOLL BOOK tiny tiara
HALF DOLL frame clips glass
glass crystoleum wired basket miniframe
happy set old souvenir silver pill case doll hat pin
lourdes souvenir stool flower frame pop
corsages wooden shelf bread knife print frame
pair doll pair doll little necklace monogram book
wall paper bird set bird decoration set of 3
set of 2 mirror oil painting
old gips statue statue am pop angel doll in dome
brooch charm set menu stand maria hanger
parts mini angel mini frame stand photo brooch
mirror powder case set foto lijst
flower basket box letter holder maria statue
set oval frame ink pot & pen stand Lourdes set
statue tiny painting wooden screen stand
oil painting 1888 la mode 1867-68 print frame cameo
photo stand old fabric box oil painting
happy set puter plate vintage bag angel ornament
gips ornament floral basket L flower stand set
silver plated am doll ballet shoes cushion
old guelain old coty plate set 2 frames set
statue violette box mini crown mini book
parts glass dome oval wooden box  angel
miniture shop old frame frame wooden box
hair pin hair pin hair pin hair pin
set hair clip flower hat decoration frame
wax flower set mini cross top cards set medailles
53 medailles beads in box photo stand mini glass cabinet
glass tiara glass tiara hair pin hair pin
hair pin ear hanger statue panel
old painting half doll floral basket 45 glass parts
set violette set violette set 2 frames
vintage stand mirroir parts old tassel
set cute dog toy floral painting
floral painting old plate glass parts souvenir stand
blue set pink set fan frame wooden ornament
old gips panel powder box glass tiara glass dome S
tiara communie tasje wax tiara
JDL back no old box
cushion handpainted hat box medaille set
medaille set beads pouch plate handle mini frame
mini bucket frame jardiniere jeanne darc living
stamp glass dome oval mirror cabinet old panel
old print box tiny stool ink & pen stand
soap box corsage corsage corsage
pencil case 4 beads boxes set dragee box box
floral stand floral stand cushion set of 3
jewel shop case mini hair komb mini tiara charity box
flower basket bapteme box corsage corsage
corsage corsage rie cramer book white beads 1kg
white beads 1kg black beads 1kg 17 curtain rings
jardiniere paper box table mat set tiny plate
tiny photostand tin box set
charity set oval medaille spoon jam pot
wooden box hat stand angel set jewel case
jewel shop case jewel shop case frame frame
frame set la mode illustre
beads flower frame colonge bottle poesies
parts doll hat petite panier
frame mini basket corsage set cosage set
wall decoration medaille antique shoes oil painting
jardiniere candle stand maria statue 19 medailles
powder box half doll french photo stand glass brooch
glass dome JDL 2009-6 set oil painting
set of 2 JDL black beads tiny photostand photo stand
bisque stoup ear clip tiara A tiara C
tiara D tiara tiara F bird decoration
bird decoration medailles brooch ear hanger
tiara & hair komb set mini hair komb hair clip mini hair pin
JDL back no. tiny angel miniature stand goudbrokaat
sonata set jeanne darc living blue set
JDL 6 back NOs. antique ornament rare~tiny glassdome onderzetter
set of tussel set ob tussel set beads
beads JDL 2012,8 paste glass parts key holl decoration
cushion set set angel console
2 paintings violette set wax statue set
bag danish frame oil painting vintage bag
set le journal des enfants le journal des enfans poesie album 1909
toy cookies thee zeef JDL set 2 paintings
glass cabinet ciel de lit oil painting oil painting
set of 6 half doll silver clasp oil painting
old oil painting marriage veil set little drawer box heksenbal
charity set paper box set hat
set mini sheeps paper box basket
paper tape silver-glass vase shade & JDL glass case
medaille metal tussel oval frame easter choco box
violette mirroir oil painting
tussel metal tussel 2 frames maria statue
set doll coat shabby cute doll bontje
french painting glass cover maria hanger hand mirror
flower tiara calendar pink set JD back no
angel candlestand easter bunny shoe spoon egg box wax doll
egg box doll marrige frame foot stool hat stand
display cushion tiny frame brooch oval frame jeanne darc living 2
antique cases powder case JD back NO hat stand
jewel box marriage box set ornament
frame set set parts
mode frame pin cushion brooch fur
oil painting key hanger old print frame oval glass dome
corner shelf communie pop comunie pop wooden box
necklace glass brooch old oval frame old decoration
box new year pack 10 new year pack 9 new year pack 7
marrige case candle stand candle stand
New Year pack 4 New Year Pack 2 mini sheeps new year set
dai necklace frame small frame
curtain clip set glass dome cat prints set lourdes bell
set small glass dome vintage stand xmas ornaments
xmas ornaments maria set set
cushion display cushion jewel case wax flowers
old flower parts grace opera glass jardiniere
vase floral mirroir oval frame baby rattle
set tiny table old ornaments old ornaments
old ornaments charity set back number JD display stand
wax tiara wax corsage statue statue
set hat stand ornament ornament
angel wing set buckle angel medaille
shabby tiara glass dome tiny chair doll bed (with doll)
christmas set christmas set box flower
boa boa noir card holder stand xmas set
Xmas  set xmas decoration set glass ornament glass ball
fan shaped tinbox photo stand photo stand mariage set
clasp Xmas set vintage tree old bag
antique bag child torso old gips old xmas tree
vintage fur old gips set violet cosage
 cosage toy set toy cabinet
toy scale tiny basket paper box bisque doll
set glass dome wax doll jardiniere
set wax doll bracelet floral basket
set frame cosage & more candle stand
wooden house xmas balls glass tree set glass tree set
tree cosages tiny ornaments tiny set
tiny glass set toy Xmas brooch glass tree
glass tree set glass trees set glass tree set cosages
cosages oil painting jardiniere vide poche
tree set glass tree glass tree glass tree
glass tree angel painting hat stand doll cabinet
floral basket S doll cart glass tree set glass tree set
glass tree set glass tree tonakai L glass tree
set glass Tree set glass tree glass tree
glass tree frame box violette de toulouse
candle stands maria frame BABY POT
glas tree glass tree glass tree set
glass tree set brooch glass tree glass tree
glass tree glass tree glass tree xmas box
opera glass oval frame candle holder old candle
glass tree set glass tree set glass tree glass tree
tonakai chan tonakai chan glass tree glass tree
glass tree glass tree glass tree set glass tree
hair comb mini hair stick glass tree set candlestand set
antique frame L`artisan pratique rozary mop rozary
medaille medaille beads bag bag
bag goblin bag bracelet guelain
angel wing Xmas set frame set box
Xmas set Xmas set Xmas set antique glasses
ornament hair stick xmas brooch Xmas brooch
Xmas brooch Xmas brooch Xmas brooch set miniture
miniture tiny box soap box dolls
ring holder glass tree set glass tree set glass tree
angel print
hair stick hair pin glass objet glass objet
set oil painting sewing  doll set
cosages in box candle stand angel painting
wall lamp table lamp photo stand powder box
glass tree glass tree frame
bride`s basket dolls parasol violette box old cosage
small painting brooch arm band candle cover
christmas set glass tree glass tree
set of 2 old frame old frame old frame
oil painting box and more... set le muguet
plate paper box
glass brooch glass brooch glass brooch glass brooch
glass brooch mini hair pin mini hair komb mini tree
papier santa mini tree tiny alter old doll
tiny  box glass tree glass tree
glass tree paper box glass tree mini tree
photo stand photo frame purple bottle wax cosage S
wax cosage wax flower bird decoration bird decoration
tonakai glass tree glass tree glass tree
glass objet parts in box tny box glass tree
mini glass tree glas tree brooch brooch
set wax cosage wax flower wax flower
wax flower wax flower medailles opera glass
bag jardiniere jardiniere candle stand
angel frame food warmer Xmas glass objet oil painting
souvenir set E souvenir set D souvenir set tiny painting
tiny painting mop bracelet tiny stool
glass tree glass tree set oil painting candle stand
monogram book decopage frame paper box tussel set
JD living kinder boek 1904 goblin coffee mill
tiny case bisque doll glass paint pp bag
old painting barbora mirroir rozary old frame
stereo scope set stereo scope set chief case bag
set set set set
set foot stool frame brooch
cabinet wooden box candle stand A gods lamp-angel
gods lamp mop rozary glass parts set medaille set
mode frame set old console set dog brooch
parts hat pin set parfum bottle french glass case
watch case wall paper 1m crystoleum crystoleum
foot warmer bracelet set old frame
candle holder vintage special set metronome
old ornanment metal tray chech glass
glass maria hat stand candle stand oil painting
murano mirrior set set tin box
small tin box beads flower parts cosages fabric box
souvenir embrasse set beads collar
beads collar beads collar opruiming set parts set
old parts set old parts set mini torso mini torso
goebel cat Guerlan mop letter opener angel mirror
murano mirror antique embrasses embrasses charity set
opruiming- time sale lady statue oil painting rose oil painting
glass maria poodle tiny case hair clip corsages
tin box toy cakes toy cakes toy cakes
toy cakes set gips frame objet
rozary rozary mop mini jardiniere piano roll
tiny old horse wooden box tiny case tiny powder case
frame maria maria maria
set of 2 gips angel gips angel  gips angel
doll head parts sheet doll comodo doll shoes 
charity set wooden maria hat stand maria candlestand
glass candlestand french doll cologne bottle vintage beads bag
Savon au Jasmin box power box coty tiny glass dome
glass necklace limoge brooch case vintage parts
6 hangers set glass shoes gips plate 19c table bell
hat-making kit french doll doll porc.birds set
poodle statue time sale~~ time sale~~
set of 2 print frame buckle
paper holder set dragee box 1898
dragee box 1892 wall mirror angel vase maria
small glass dome half doll half doll jardiniere
angel console maria gips hanger
1901 1899 old box blue set
glas brooch oval frame book end frame
special set 1890 100 cosages ornament
12 beads boxes oil painting la mode 1878 glass maria
angel console buste 11 paper flowers antique bag 1853
purce marriage dome marriage box tiny box
tiny box pop charity set
set parts tiny oilpainting tiny frame
glass stand marriage objet frame old ornament
cosages cosages cosages cosages
cosages cosage in basket old goblin old delft tile
maria in glassdome wall hanger set cosage in eggbasket
mini crown charity angel hang frame set maria
book stand mini mini for hair mini tussel set
time sales small screen tiny maria set M
communie set bronze ornament set set cosages
angel painting angel painting wooden plate angel miniture shop
wax flower in frame angel
glas brooch SWAN glass brooch old print frame mini sheep
doll hat tin box angel painting panal
buste oil painting fabric box hat stand
wooden easel book-stand flower tiara flower tiara
chief sac cosage parts tiny hat for doll
glass comb glass brooch glass tiara cosages
wijwater bak wooden maria s jardiniere small glass dome
bouquet plate miniture shop silver bag jardiniere
pop set tiny wooden case clasp (damaged
old paper box charity set parts set doll bed
photo stand maria statue mariage box s old painting
set mirroir glass brooch glass brooch
glass glass brooch glass brooch easter egg box
set set 4 stuks letter holder
flower lamp wall lamp Marie Laurencin rozary
ear clip angel top french basket bouquet
owl lamp flower lamp angel lamp lighting
ink pot case angel wooden box cosage
jardiniere maria metal case ring case
case tiny hand clip beads parts beads
soap box easter set wooden stand metal stand
cosage set tiny crown doll chair half doll
2 frames soap box wax angel set tiny wooden maria
tiny alter old frame parfum butterfly
box cute print set gurdian angel silver tiny set
doll small doll blue set box
photo frame set fete label set
frame parfum bottle box doll in card
kinder shoes droste half doll half doll
lamp parts lamp parts figure gips hanger
angel set tiny angel Lourdes souvenir frame
frame frame wax angel mariage frame
vintage necklace necklace necklace parts set
oval box vintage bag vintage angel old frame
glass case half doll set angel set
foot rest souvenir set souvenir set
mini set metamorphoses oval frame glass dome oval
glass dome old souvenir tin box
old tin box  mini consoles set set of 6 vintage frame
glass dome oil painting
 50 curtain rings candle stand rozary in case wooden maria
 letter set maria in dome posy oval glass dome
glass paper case 3 boxes with beads tiny doll tiny paper box set
old mirroir 3 cosages silver cake server tea time set
tiny stand set parts doll stool
gods lamp old print candle stand anton pieck set
muget set charity set bag oval frame
 maria statue glass dome cross glass dome Jesus angel box
oil paintng oil painting tiny doll oval glass dome
small maria small painting wooden frame evening bag
old photo stand pill case bronzen knop tiny parts
parts set parts set canal house old goblin
set angels glass dome
glass dome glass dome oval oil painting candle stand
New year pack New year pack New year pack 9 New year pack 8
New year pack 6 New year pack 4 New year pack 2 pack
angel floral basket tiny case mini frame
mini frame lace fan lace box vintage toy shop
display stand metal flower glass dome gurdian angel
bisque doll set pig moneybox wax flower frame
hat stand angel set JB JB
box head flower oil painting glass dome squere
vase tiny glassdome small  painting vintage box
doll chair set set rosary bracelet beads necklace
pin cushion set of cosages tall hat stand console
feather bapteme box tiny medaille set of 6
tiny frame candle stand glass dome missel
candle stand parts parts parts
metal tray french frame french mirroir
mini angel violet set tiny stand tiny stand
cosages parts painting set lourdes set
print in frame candle stand oval glass dome oval glass dome L
tiny glass dome doll chair parfum bottle
angel gods lamp maestricht tegel tiny photo stand tiny mirroir
window decoration cosage set B cosage set A cotton doll
candle holder Xmas box Xmas balls glass tree
glass broochs Xmas brooch A,B bracelet glass tree
set glass tree angel xmas set set
glass tree mini glass tree mini glass tree glass tree
glass tree glass tree glass tree glass tree
glass tree glass tree glass objet glass tree
tree peak vintage tin box set of 2
photo stand paper vintage goblin vintage goblin
shade shade angel lamp old book
mushroom print set mini glass tree mini glass tree mini glass tree
mini glass tree ornament glass ornament glove case
necklace cat box vaseline pot medaille
floral box oil painting oval frame table lamp
candle lamp ring display bord tiny ring case
 6 tiny cosage cosage angel set tin box
frame antique bag hand painting brooch
glass tree old clip vintage brooch  card holder
set glass objet tiny candlestand frame
chair case ring holder candle cover glass tree
xmas set xmas set Xmas set
paper tape tiny basket Xmas set
Xmas set glass tree set glas tree set glass tree set
shabby doll glass dome wooden stand maria statue
maria glass tree set glass tree set
tonakai glass item brooch angel soap box
JB wooden box old candle toy
glass tree glass tree glass tree tree set
glass tree glass tree mini glass tree
glass tree mini tree glass tree glass tree
tree set tree set
tree set wooden bookend mini glass tree
set glass tree set ear clip brooch
brooch brooch brooch brooch
JB frame
frame frame glass tree set set
set set hand clip box
glass tree glass tree set glass tree set
set set mini glass tree mini tree
mini tree set set hair clip
angel set glass objet tree set set
Xmas set mini tree Xmas set set
set set set set
set set set globe de mariage
coty oil painting vintage dome vintage glass dome
koffee molen glass cabinet angel box 3 photo frame
glass dome oval glass dome glass dome photo stand -angel-
tea time set set shoe spoon bobin in box
glass dome fabric box set butter knife
crystal vase shell comb case parts set
wax flower parts flaoral basket hat box abm glass maria statue
small painting old book 1854 glass case L hair pin
candle stand brod.frame oval frame oval frame
2 oval frame set hat stand monogram shade monogram shade
mirrior jardiniere frame glass maria
tiny doll chair normandy set bretagne set normandy set
french set tiny hangers set 4 tiny hangers set 5 3 boxes set
vintage bag hair pin angel clasp bag gods lamp
oil painting cross on stand napoleon 3 frame set
old painting old painting Lydia afternoon tea
bed time story irish dresden dolls old books bag
mini painting hand mirroir parts hat box
glass bottle jardiniere glass case glass dome
globe de mariage marriage stand glass case oil painting
box tool ring case glass dome s
glass dome s glass dome tiara tiara
tiara stockman mini torso hair pin hair pin
tiny stand set set beads parts
box stand cosage
cosage set tiny basket mini set
box hand clip glass dome doll chair
wooden box mini dog cosage
box with key vintage bag vintage bag jardiniere
dot pot cigogne dragee box glass dome oval
bebe broche baby  bracelet gods lamp special set
set set candle stand angel bookend
carpet set jardiniere angel gods lamp
glass dome s glass dome
glass dome evening bag  ballerina bottle
stockman torso metronom rozary floral basket
special set set wall hanger rozary
special set special set ptint in frame oil painting
frame book end window hanger set Lourdes rozary
brooch p p bag torso glass dome
glass dome shabby pop murano mirroir L maria
glass dome glass dome s ooievaar angel tin box
print frame wooden box set tiny basket plant album book
mop cross wax maria in dome glass case shabby glass case
murano mirroir tin box old paper box key holders
tiny basket Edi dolls set vintage glass oval frame set
pot warmer display stand glass case mini glass dome
oval glass dome maria in glassdome globe de mariage
ballet set
box curtain clips set
brooch foot rest frame
tiny toy oval photostand tiny photostand
glass cabinet jewel box oil painting tiny painting set
tiny stands set toy kingsland beer angel hanger
old goblin boite couture set old box
vaseline pot parts glass necklace Paris souvenir
Paris souvenir tiara cosage glass dome oval
glass dome glass dome s jardiniere
hat stand old basket doll christning gift
ari doll frame bird decorations set
mop rozary
oil painting set glass cabinet Lourdes set
Lourdes set maria statue victorian mirror jardiniere
jardiniere jardiniere glass dome glass dome
oval glass dome shabby shade poesie album watch case
jardiniere deco jardinier italian souvenir set water color painting
bronze ornament metal frame set brooch
brooch small paper box old frame vide poche
old frame vintage child hat
souvenir set small frame small torso small aquarel
oil painting frame frame
glass case angek ornament angel frame set of 6
glass hair comb french frame fabric in frame hair pin
hair pin hair pin hair pin hair pin
brooch brooch set oval frame
vintage glass wax bouquet lourdes party bag
photo stand photo stand beads bag parts glass tinu tray
porc.tray oval frame glass tiara glass tiara
button goblin box angel in frame JB
half torso 7cosage set ribbon photostand foot rest
drawer squere box stand doll hatstand
shabby baby doll flower basket bag box
glass brooch glass brooch box
crown murano spiegel stof doosje oil painting
foot rest long candle snuffer sewing  box angel tin box
vintage glass brooch vintage glass brooch vintage glass brooch cosage
cosage cosage cosage tiny basket
bag paper fan glass bottle torso
glass butoon glass button glas  button leather pot
glass ear clip ear clip cosage parts shoes spoon
old maria frame wooden tray brooch
bisque flowers small basket frivorite lace parasol
jardiniere foot rest miniture shop
crayon jardiniere jardiniere frame
wax flower set cellu clasp angel painting tiny cabinet
rare! tiny shelf frame metal cabinet
paper fan doll hat toy wooden box
watch case with music pouch old shelf fabric box
pot old frame candle holder box
swan salt ricoles angel photostand glass case
toy piano brides basket vintage brooch 18 cosages
20 cosages cosage in basket floral basket S glass shade
goblin tapestry goblin tapestry lamp shade
wall lamp lace fan curtain hook hang lamp set
toy set wax cosages glass buttons toast rack
jewel case set glass shade shade wall lamp
lamp miniture shop vintage fan pen case
cosages sache doll hat tiny candlestands
table lamp haken dragee box beads flower set
 set easter rabbit angel soap box parfum lamp
JB calling bell card holder souvenir Loudes
round frame clasp parts set tiny basket
vintage pot doll old frame small frame
vintage  frame souvenir wax tiara in box tiny bottle
pin cushion powder case dragee box ribbon frame
doll hat box globe de mariage gips
ciel de lit globe de mariage bak set of 12
statue photo hanger goebel swans set glass parts
2 frames box tin box jardiniere
jardiniere jardiniere foot rest pop
silver baby set mini curtain bar parasol frame
rose print frame silver pouch tea strainer set
thee zeef fashion  frame tiny basket wax flower
wooden stand cosage set parts set
toy piano Belgian unica doll old photo in frame fashion frame set
set picture rug for wall la mode illustre 1879 wooden box
letter holder DMC cabinet enamel buttons 1cm set
wooden mirroir angel plate set glass parts set
tiny cabinet sampler frame 1897 set shabby old box
tiny photo stand oil painting set of 2
candle stand for travel book marker Lourdes box tray steiff miniture canal house
broochs soap box doll hat doll hat
doll hat hoeden modiste flower hat small basket
frame candle stand set candle stand set maria statue
oval frame wooden frame wedding decoration wooden plate
maria frame jesus frame oval frame murano mirroir
set vintage clock doll head
oil painting marriage ornament napoleon 3 frame set old frame
old frame antique bag wooden maria porc.tray
wooden box le monde elegant document box
kitchen clock parts parts dragee box
vide poche murano mirror oil painting new year pack K
new year pck J new year pack I new year pack H new year pack G
new year pack F new year pack E new year pack D new year pack C
new year pack B new year pack A jardiniere console
old mirroir pearl necklace old round box paper box
pendant top set glass case objet
JB lace in tiny frame tiny plate 40 cosages
oval frame frame murano mirroir
oil painting boa candle set pop
pop cosages in box Lepetto christmas set
corner shelf maria tiny photo stand
stand glass case cosages in box powder case
parasol for doll parasol for doll parfum bottle watch case
wax flower boad toy bed toy shop piano lamp set
piano lamp piano lamp tiny glass dome measure tape
tiny photo stand wedding stand frame wooden case
bak tiny candle stand cosage bouquet jardiniere
doll pin cushion coffee mil
photo hanger objet frame frame
maria old frame glass parts glass ear clip
glass cross xmas set Xmas set Xmas set
set set glass tree set glass tree set
glass tree set christmas set set 6 glass tree set
purple glass set glass bracelet glass tree set porc.tray
oil pinting glass tree set set glass tree
glass tree set beads parts droste box cat box
violet set toy vintage santa Xmas decoration
glass tree set glass tree set glass tree set
set foot rest maria statue kerststal
wall candle mirroir L*alsacienne candle stand cosages
card holder brass stand set charity set 2 oil painting Paris
oil painting set vintage tray
vintage tray set set ornamnents set
ornament ornament ornament ornament
set ornament ornaments 6 tiny boxes
mop chips vintage bag bag wax flower
pendant lace fan with silk case lace fan bronzen buste
vaas bronze statue tea pot pot
tea strainer candle cover charity set charity set
oil painting oil painting card frame tiny lace frame
book end angel ornament Xmas bord paper
Xmas paper sacs vintage frame clip
JB box bag bag
glass shade wall lamp hang lamp shade lamp
wall lamp tiny wall lamp table lamp bedside lamp
ornament J B paper box tiny candle stands
buckle curtain tool tiny stand
photo stand oil painting  oil painting 1943 travel candlestand
bottle stoper wax flower photo stand
candle holder toast stand rack set
book end brooch
brooch glass tree bottle deco tiny tree
glass tree  frame JB
dragee box drage box thermometer glass tree L
glass objet set glass tree glass tree
glass tree mini glass tree glass tree glass tree
goebel floral basket Harrods rabbit frame
glass objet glass tree glass tree objet
glass tree glass tree glass tree
jardiniere jardinier jardiniere photo stand
tin box tudor rose doll wax flower in box tiny soap box
ARI doll table bell table bell paper box
mini glas tree wax maria scent bottle mode frame
vintage bag vintage bag glass tree glas tree
glass tree mini tree (angel) glass tree L glass tree
set set
glass tree glass tree glass trees glass pin
redoutes rose book
curtain tool angel tin box frame 12 tiny boxes
antique tiny basket brod. tapestry vintage tiny tree
glass tree glass tree glass tree snow man
glass tree L glass tree Au bon marche tiny frame
wooden box bag cards in frame
soap box ABM BOX Au bon marche
glass tree glass tree glass tree glass  tree
glass tree frame frame bak
jardiniere ornament glass tree glass tree
glass tree candle holder glass tree glass tree
glass kinoko glass tree brooch brooch
brooch brooch brooch brooch
brooch necklace necklace necklace
craft set necklace necklace necklace
stamp case floral basket floral basket wooden box
oval frame parts soap box soap box violettes
Au bon marche soap box  candle stands set candle stands
5 glass drops glass drops bronze angel gips
shade N shade  angel mirror gourmet set
saving box frame buckle
buckle oil painting  2 painting set photo frame
watch watercolor painting tiny wooden tray paper box
jardiniere jardiniere jardiniere shabby ballet shoes
vintage chuchu vintage chuchu angel godslamp redoute book
photo brooch 4 keys 3 keys cabinet key
chuchu ballet shoes chuchu ballet shoes
chuchu head tiara artist frame handmade book
round placemats set stand  mirroir
victorian album pages album pages set tiny tiara maria glass cabinet
vintage baby toy toy jounal demoiselles journal 1872-73
watch stand tiny stand child book mirroir
glass drops water color painting old  book
photo stand monogram bord monogram bord jardiniere
tray 3 frames bible angel towel hanger
set frame vintage pearl necklace vintage bag
brod.bag jardiniere foot rest
miniture street old souvenir angel console gods lamp
gods lamp &hook god lamp set
wooden frame old painting angel console au bon marche box
tiny bag for doll doll lacehat doll head angel set
p.p. bag tiny tray curtain hooks frame
5 canal houses hat box & hat pp bag ND Lourdes maria
celluloid  fan brooch watch cake table gods lamp
3 frames set glass case brooch tin box
dragee box stand small painting wall vase
old book oil painting glass rozary
miniture jardiniere cosage in frame baby doll minerva
baby doll A,M jardiniere oil pinting 1922 cherub painting
letter opener cellu fan cellu fan paper fan
murano mirroir set wooden item ballet shoes
ballet wear cosage tiara doll basket wall tapestry
doll set Holland set prtit jardinier metal bord painting
paper clip doll hat Toffee tin box curtain clips
pop oil painting 1995 beads bag bag parts
old music book wooden tray glass cabinet old angel box
clasp (alpaca) clasp (alpaca) key set A ornament
tin box ornament mirroir case dance book
glass candle stands set wall candle holder
mode frame set pendant top souvenir album ivory top
tiny brooch tiny brush curtain clip angel clasp
party bag glass parts angel console doll in box
doll basket doll hat tiny doll head jardiniere
jardiniere vintage hat pin
beads toy anton pick cards set frame
jardiniere basket box parfum bottle
vintage bag sac box set
goblen tapestry vintage glass  pin vintage ballet wear doll bed
set angel rozary garnet rozary
necklace tiny crown JB JB
JB with rozary JB with rozary goebel porc.maria
wedding stand journal des demoiselles frame
set dragee boxes dragee boxes cosage
glass hanger  hanger stand goebel canal houses set
pp brooch 3 boxes set
old book tiny hand clip cross cross
lucifer doos angel set tin box vintage brooch
fether glass box speksteen maria
bible tiny photo brooch cosage parts
blok wooden box tiny brooch JB
angel ornament rose photo stand enamel button cosage
stand mirroir toy cross cross
medaille bracelet gods lamp gods lamp curtain clip set
set oval frame set old stationary set
mini frame lourdes stand monogram box angel ornament
bag jardiniere doll bed metal stand
ornament oil paintings 2 boxes grevi child bag
grevi child bag vintage grevi vintage basket grevi child hat vintage grevi vintage hat
grevi vintage hat miniture shop mini set set
dream box coffee mil tiny  stand jardinere
wax flower frame photo stand wooden angel mini photos
glass cross glass brooch oval frame old frame
oil painting wall candle wall candle jewel stand
antique gips rosa mystica stand frame wooden box
book end glass angel clasp cards frame
liquer set lace frame candle stand mini candlestand
2 mini jardiniere set hat box black frame tiny wax tiara
JB glove box french photo stand murano mirroir
bouquet des amours oil painting oil painting oil painting
tasje JB photo stand hat stand
paper stand tiny bag beads bag
oil painting globe de mariee globe de mariee tiara
stand maria statue mini tiara doll hat
a.b.m set wooden box wooden box violet set
photo stand pharmacie boxes 20 frame
set display shelf JB JB
doll box oil painting set set
parfum bottle metal frame oval frame small painting
knop glass tray glass shade sketch book
wooden frame wedding set angel console OIL PAINTING
tiny frame mini frame mini frame mirroir pendanttop
sachet display cabinet lace in frame set
glass blik box shade shade
shade old book music stand pharmacy boxes
set of 3 baby spoon spoon photo stand
thee zeef doll bed set venecian glass parts
8 tiny boxes vintage wrist watch
spoon angel spoon set set angel lamp
chadellier wall lamp box bebe box
doll head
doll head doll head doll head doll head
medaille set pharmacy box set set wall lamp
fan frame jam seal set vintage stand
marquise de sev 5 monogram spoons monogrm spoon H,D savon box
savon box wooden maria vintage frame wooden box
wine operner porc.pot brode. maria toy
pincushion case display box savon box doll house paper
baptemes  box easner egg tiny basket
tiny basket charity set 2 paper box beads etc in box
tiny maria & glass wooden frame tiny basket bebe box
fan paper box paper box
painting beads in box beads pin cushion
tiny tiara rozary in mop case
maria frame panel wall tapestry french photostand
hat stand tiny basket tiny hat soap box
oval painting delft tile metal tray frame
key hanger paper weigt hook wooden box
tiny maria old frame maria stand frame
steiff book wax bouquet set 9 canal shop street
soap box child book music box canal houses
1864,1865 1849  demoiselles 1873,1874 demoiselles 1868,69.demoiselles
1856 demoiselles redoute roses book wooden box Au bon marche 1913
set 4 canal houses book 1911 kinder boek
buckle mop rozary box magagin rack
parfum & soap set glass dome parts ruban
angel door knocker tiny box tiny box tiny box
tiny box spoon KLMNO spoon FGHIJ glass parts
brooch parts special set print frame
angel curtain band set fabric box
canal house canal house canal house canal house
canal house 3 canal houses canal houses 5 canal houses
monogram spoon ABCD monogram spoon 5 rozary rozary purple
2 boxes mode frame italian frame set
book marker vintage kitchen clock paper weigt au bon marche hanger
child bracelet tiny hat tiny hat tiny pendant top
tiny pendant top frame antique frame wall deco
old frame cross old frame wooden box
wooden saving box oil painting oil painting bebe brooch
paper box violettes de toulouse candle set tiny frame
marriage maria statue set mini stand
marrige box bag clasp enamel compact
 haken set gips angel hat stand silver pendant fides
savon muguet brooch angel gods lamp gods lamp  angel
metronome gordijn haken set gordijn haken set oval frame
hat stand ontbijtkoek doos opera glass grace antique watch case
butterfly book frame & psrts set monogram spoons 3 tiny photo stand
glass photo stand L buckle maria statue
oil painting new year pack 10 New Year pack 9 new Year pack8
set New Year pack 6 New Year pack 4 angel piano lamp
oval painting hat stand hat stand gods lamp (angel)
parts set BLOEMWERK BOEK parts key parts
set set set number set
monogram spoon set monogram spoon set monogram spoons monogram spoons
glass brooch necklace MOP & silver rozary
medailles 3 small paintings
tiny candle stand photo stand dolls goubel
angel hanger frame ribbon hook tea time set
candle stand missel roman frame lourdes mozaik parts
box photo in frame lace in frame JB
mini frame doll set set set
JB JB JB soap box
frame frame doll set parts
cosage set crown parts jet necklace big easel
tiny ribbon frame JB opera glass cosage
20 pharmacy boxes baby savon box plant book wax maria
tiny maria statues monogram spoon set doll basket brooch
lace cushion parfum bottle parfum bottle
frame cat box glass brooch cat glass parts
glass candle stand sample book 1913 wooden fan wedding box
set mini frame vintage cosage set old cosage
frame frame murano mirroir hat box
small drawer loudes mini candles
dolls purce doll candle stand
floral basket map sample sheet parts
wallet mini candlestand photo stand mini oil painting
Xmas paper sacs 20 ARI dolls dolls in basket boa
vintage bag vintage bag vintage bag card frame
edi ARI dolls edi ARI dolls coin purce maria set
tiny maria maria crown candle cover
glass tree set set set glass tree set
set set charity set glass tree
glass tree set glass tree set glass tree set
set set set set
set set special offer clip brooch
clip brooch glass tree glass tree mini glass tree
tiny glass tree glass cross set set
set set set set
set set mini set set
set set candle cover mini trees set
glass tree mini tree mini tree mini tree
mini tree mini glass trees brooch glass tree candle
set set glass tree glass tree
glass tree mini tree set mini tree set
set set set of 4 set
candle holder set glass tree set
set set set tree set
glass tree glass tree glass brooch set
set glass tree glass  tree glass tree
glass red glass cross crpss pendant top
tiny pin brooch glass bell hanger wax flower table spice
set set pull belt paper rolls set
paper rolls set paper rollsset paper roll parts set
cosage set brooch tiny glass brooch ornament set
ornament set ornament set ornament angel ornament set
ornament set ornament set ornament ornament set
ornament set lamp glass large murano mirroir
candle set lightng set glass shade glass shade
table lamp wax flower table lamp dog lamp
glass shade oil painting wooden turn table tea pot
coffee pot brooch set table lamp lamp shade
glass shade lamp shade lamp shade chandellier
wall lamp wall lamp wall lamp wall lamp
medaille set medaille set 4 medailles bird brooch
medaille blacelet medaille bracelet pendant top glass tree mini
glass tree set glass tree set set
glass candle stand ornament 25 paper sacs Xmas box
lace parasol set mini glass tree glass
glass tree mini glass tree set glass tree
snow man danish frame paper tapes glass brooch
glass brooch glass brooch glass brooch glass brooch
doll set lace in frame epingles box porc.coaster
porc.coasters fur bronze frame 2 Danish frame
mini tree mini tree mini tree book end
glass stand mode frame tiny basket mini grass tree
candle holder opera glass frame tiny box
wooden box glass tree S glass tree S glass tree S
glass tree S glass tree S set set
glass tree glass tree glass tree glass tree
glass tree box antique child shoes basket
angel console foot rest photo stand photo stand
cosage set medaille stand
ring case candle holder music box round frame
photo stand photo hanger wooden box bag
wooden frame sucredulcor doll hat
souvnier album purce clasp dog brooch mop rozary
necklace necklace piano lamp piano lamp
angel in box 2 frames wooden frame set
tiny hat stand doll basket music box mode la saison 1877
foot rest letter hanger gips angel photostand
JB doll basket photo stand mode frame
mode frame coffret de mariage wall tapestry mode de paris
gips set souvenir album brooch old books 1835
maria oil painting souvenir set souvenir set
set set angel (new)
jet brooch wooden box monogram spoon ELRW monogram spoon RBGF
stand mirror table set wooden tray frame set
wall candle wooden box vintage set mini hangers set
brooch medailles medailles medailles
garnet rozary silver rozary bourjois buckle
silver angel buckle angel wing mode frame mode frame
floral basket pen tray vintage set wall candleholder
medaille 1918 p.p bag antique frame mini photostand
timbres vintage set wish box 1938 buckle
buckle hat box & hat stamp mozaik pill case set
bisque doll doll set toy sweets vintage tiny spoons
 wooden box with key wooden box curtain rings set
set basket watch stand bag
mini basket heart mini photo stand cosages tiny basket
wooden box pen stand wooden box old basket
tiny basket paper box antique basket frame set
frame frame frame frame
charity (maria glass) set angel paper parts
brooch brooch frame clasp(damaged)
glass parts 10 floral basket ARI poppen set
hat stand glass cabinet parts inbox 2 frames set
thermo& barometer toy cabinet frame & lace hat tin box
ornament oval mirror oil painting art book
maria gips maria beeld tiny bracelet 1918 medaille
photo hanger poststamp case photo brooch glas onderzetter
inkpot & pen set angel godslamp cat&dog frame french frame metal
frame set glass feather set curtain holder set
oil painting ornament calendar doll basket
doll basket opera glass OLD BOOK HAT STAND
apotheek doosjes 21 violette de toulouse brod.frame card frame
porch frame tin box   rose floral basket tiny basket
ballet shoes glass dome doll cabunet S&H
marquise de sevigne jewel case glass case angel box
limoge pill case
vaseline shade vaseline bottle vaseline bottle mignonette doll
weiwaterbakje brooch wooden box tiny stand
photo stamd medaille bracelet many medailles wax flower set
violettes de Toulouse half doll souvenir souvenir
megane case document case needle case souvenir de communion
stand oil painting in frame gods lamp <angel> maria statue
old gips set ballet shoes ballet tutu wooden frame
toast rack french photo stand fashion frame globe de mariage
doll set genova photo book wish candle frame & goods
half doll half doll set round frame french photo stand
opera glass set frame set frame
12 medailles
frame tiny sweets toy chocolate box
set doll sample bord doll sample bord small cabinet
oval frame french basket wooden tray with lace card set
charity set 10clips 3 frames set 4 frames set
souvenir album oval frame medaille set D medaille set B
medaille set A cross old cosmetic vintage bottle
spitzen photo frame photo stand mirror
photo stand baby shoes hat stand candle stand
gips maria set cross top cross top
old frame glass cabinet medaille bottle
medaille buckle gods lamp maria painting
frame monogram spoons spoons beads parts
glass vase bottle shoe clip card & lace hat
card & lace hat card & lace hat card & lace hat card &  lace hat
flower hat flower hat flower hat print frame set
rose print set miniture set set tiny shade 
buckle wooden box wooden angel candle stand
medaille wooden ornament frame photo tree
photo tree rose boxes flower hat tiny calendar 1937
wijwatervat wedding bouquet doll basket
angel purse cosage frame set curtain hanger
curtain hanger labels lamp shade rose frame
tiny wooden frame squere frame wax flower sachet photo stand
wooden case watch case stamp case stamp in case
compact case mini bisque doll curtain holder pair cosage
charity set cross parts Edi doll set B
photo frame set maria ring set violet parfum
bracelet child pendant doll hat photo stand
1m hat stand hat stand flower hat
vaselline glass parts poststmap box post stamp box pen
box glass cabinet cosage box
glass case MOP CROSS SET soap box
soap box doll head tiny basket tiny frame
tiny frame angel box tiny box brooch
wooden box old papers & stamps set dolls
Edi dolls watch stand angel  wall lamp hang lamp
set sweets set glass lamp table lamp
set tiara wax corsage tiny basket
weather old photo tiny frame flower hat
basket set miniture chair 2 books tiny usachan
paper weight paper weight parfum brooch photo stand
stand ring holder tiara powder box
tiara oil painting gods lamp angel piano lamp
wall tapestry tin box box letter holder
opera glass floral basket tiny tile tiny rozary
crown spoon monogram spoons 6 frame miniture hat
doll tile frame pin cushion vintage brooch
wooden box oval mini painting wedding stand mini painting
wedding stand set parts set set
cosage hat hat flower hat hat stand
monogram spoons glass boxes set knives
set set miniture cart frame
set foot rest set flower hat
baby brooch cellu brooch cellu bracelet doll set
glass case wall tapstry candle stand 6 glass drops set
5 glass drops set doll set doll set doll set
doll set doll set doll set tiny case
tin box angel gods lamp wall tapestry set
plant  cover frame parts curtain holder
pipe holder set gips old maria watch case
petit set petit set set mini candle stand
wall candle pair candle stand set candle stand glass candle stands
special set tiny lace bag coffee mill
watch case wall hanger set cigarette cards
album floral hanger wooden tray set
tiny basket copper bowl vintage tray pansy painting
glass jar pot &..... pin disc fashion frame set
frame rozary & cards oval mirroir sample book
danish frame kinder bracelet anton pieck maria
box set of 3 boxes set
cosages candle stand piano lamp corsage & wax flower
wooden plate attaches pour linge watch band oil lamp shade
oil painting 12 parts cosage tiny snow baby
photo album pages photo frame set rose print frame
stamp oil painting cookie pot
wedding stand metal stand boxes pot
murano mirrior curtain ring white rozary dark brown rozary
white glass vaselline glass rozary glass rozary mop rozary
murano mirrior ornament parts bord antique beads bag
piano lamp angel console tiny painting new year pack R
new year pack N new year pack K new year pack J new year pack I
new year pack H new year pack G new year pack F new year pack E
new year pack B tegel flower basket
hotel bell paris special set paris special set angel frame
toy shop wax flower bouquet set maria statue silk fan
beads stand glass maria rose print set
old frame old bible 1863 opera glass grace angel ornaments
card holder avon toy old book 1888
toy maria statue antique opera glass spoons
wooden ornaments baby goods frame set tiny frame set
mop rozary bebe savon box paper box
flower hat tiny basket  wish set wax flower cosage
murano mirror bebe savon box miniture set
tiny frames rose print bottle hanger white glass rozary
cosage xmas set flower painting copper
wax flower pop bronze ornament book marker
glass box diary book 1896 steiff steiff
hatpin wooden box glass shade wooden angel candle
glass ornaments 18 glass ornaments  danish frame mop rozary
rozary green cosage floral painted box glass maria
maria plate parfum bottle wooden stand glas in lood
wooden box mariage set box tiny bisque dolls tiny doll
tiny doll twiggy wax flower wax flower tiara
photo stand tiny hanger schoen lepel flower
flower basket doll house doll house kerst stal
wooden maria bible wooden maria glass ornaments
mini tree old christmas tree angel vintage tree
vintage tree vintage snowman kerst hanger doll set
doll set tiny lace hat tiny basket angel decoration
pp candle stand set paper bags glass tree (damaded) glass decoration
candle glass candle glass candle glass glass tree
glass tree glass tree glass tree glass tree
glass tree glass tree glass tree glass tree
glass tree glass tree glass tree glass tree
glass tree glass tree glass tree glass tree
glass tree glass tree glass tree glass tree
glass tree glass tree glass tree vaselline shade
brooch brooch tiny hanger set X`mas set
X`mas set bebe brooch bebe brooch bloemen
kerst stal kerst stal tree top 12 candle clips
2 candle clips 6 candle holder clips old candles Xmas ornaments
doll box lamp table lamp table lamp
hang angel lamp table lamp table lamp white glass light
angel chandellier hang lamp wall lamp angel wall lamp
tiny wall lamp wall lamp maria statue gods lamp & hook
candle holder set watch brooch curtain tool
old gods lamp gods lamp gods lamp bible
Xmas balls Xmas balls Xmas balls ornaments
Xmas balls Xmas balls Xmas balls Xmas balls
Xmas ball rozary angel candle deco special set
candle stand french pouch hand mirror bag
angel clasp angel ornament Xmas tile glass tree
glass tree glass tree s glass tree frame
tiny medaille set medaille set C medaille set B medaille set
photo tree pin cushion fan oil lamp
frame cake server coffee mil photo hanger
bag buckle lace fan ink cushion
card box angel water bak kinder boeken kinder boeken
Xmas tree brooch brooch wooden box
candle holder rose book wax flower frame angel frame
angel statue special set window hangers set window hangers set
window hanger window hanger powder case photo stand
twiggy hand clip wooden angel card album
wijwater bak medaille 2 boxes old box
set wooden maria candle stand vintage party bag
glass candlestand set emaille medailles medailles
photo stand Twiggy wooden box tiny maria statue
set angel bronze set
toy dragee box set
oval wooden frame angel ornaments doll set wooden box
gourmet set gips hanger paper fan
goblin frame angel water set doll basket
watch box thermo mini parts tiny doll
rozary clock frame set
poststamp case musical angels piano lamp glass window
rozary oval frame minimini torso mini frame
vintage bag vintage bag goblin tapestry wooden box
medaille bracelet devotie lijstje gips engel set
old book set opera glass opera glass
bag tool old book stand
wax flower tiny wooden maria gods lamp gods lamp
gods lamp godslamp set old calender
medaille gods lamp oil painting opera glass
dragee boxes wooden box wooden box rourdes set
medaille set old frame maria statue tiny frame
tiny frame clasp bible frame
wall tapestrys frame tiara rose print set
set charity set clasp miniture frame
angel minidoll doll box oil painting lighting parts
table mirrior frame soap box parfum box
set ribbon frame Brugge dolls set limoge box
angel tin old doll angel bag doll broderie box
frame old goblin sampler tray old bible
secret box wooden box tiny box glass parts
oll painting oil painting oil painting tiny basket
set mop stand antique photo stand candle stand
stand doll basket tiny basket naaidoosje
glass apotheek doosjes 90 vintage flowers 300g tiny frame
tiny balet shoes flower hat hat stand bible
hang flower wall tapestry wall tapestry parfum bottle
tiny doll toy set mini measure wooden case
baby toy set set gods lamp gods lamp
small drawer wall tapestry wall tapestry corsages
frame bebe brooch parts vaseline rozary
mop cross set set poudre de riz
set tiny bisque doll special set paper babybed
glass parts corsage & ribbon corsage buckle
saving box roll cabinet baby ornament baby ornament
toy doll in box perfume bottle tiny straw hat
rozary case album souvenir cross set
pendant top porc.brugge doll tiny box tiny box
wooden angels cherny book antique frame 1880 murano mirrior (mini)
french mirrior wooden tray MURANO mirror swing bed for doll
doll with trunk set maria statue oval frame
photo stand wooden box small doll beads bag
coffee mill napkin holder 7 curtain holder small bear and toy
wax flower bouquet vintage brooch angel bak wall tapestry
brooch mini cushion photo stand Danish frame
wall candle holder set lace parasol oil painting
painted tray wijwaterbakje mop case print frame
brush holder ornament photo stand wooden box
opaline shade rozary glass carrier wooden box
oval frame barbotinne set santa maria
angel medaille powder case barbora mirrior toy
set poppen mandje stickers box
sample dolls set au bon marche photo hanger
toy cabinet fashion frame set stand
pendant top wooden fan goblin opera glass
set 150 cards in album ivory bible set
set wooden mirror curtain holder shade
fashion print set crystal parts cosage old cases
parts table lamp table lamp flower lamp
wall candle holder tiny basket rozary rozary
rozary rozary Kate greenaway soap box
stand coin purce tray 2 poppen
playing card oval frame fashion frame Agenda 1895
onderzetter crystal old book ink pot
doosje photo frame spiegeltje maria hanger
bible foot rest french frame wax flower set
basket angel lourdes frame
fan frame Delft Delft Delft
set wijwaterbak kragen doosje DEP doll
baby shoes tegel small frame glass cabinet
hat with cosage wijwaterbak lace shade
tiny parts small basket foot rest rozary
cloth hanger photo album watch case stamp
powder case half doll lace tray JB
lace sache mini frame twiggy egg box
wooden box wooden box soap box rest
mini frame mini frame mop rozary case
frame poesie album saphiret pil cace
clip bag playing card wijwaterbak
set piano lamp 1920 st.anne set of 6
frame frame wijwaterbak buckle
special set photo brooch glass rozary maria stand
wall candle holder 2 medailles box glass rozary
Delft tegel Delft tegel delft tegel Delft tegel
Delft tegel Delft tegel special set 3 Danish frame
bag clip pendant top letter opener
bak parts small rozary mop curtain ring 20
box special set mimosa de Nice mop rozary
Danish frame album souvenir card holder card album
old delft tile A glass case JB vintage hat
small frame wooden hanger maria statue mop rozary
pansy letter box doll school spoon set coffee set
wall hanger glove case basket angel candlestand
 bag tin box celluloid rose wooden maria
toy french frame wall hanger lace brooch
tiny wall hanger souvenir spoons baby bed cross candle holder
white glass rozary mop rozary vintage photo stand
old plant container ornament hook rozary in sac
vaseline rozary letter opener wall hanger  tin box
paper box oval frame wax flower basket box
photo stand wax angel maria maria
wijwaterbak wall cross angel console table lamp
doll bag angel clasp raamhor
raamhor angel box holy frame holy set
soap box small frame set gods lamp
gods lamp AM doll rose valentine set rose valentine set
box corsage wax flower veil wooden maria
wooden maria french frame oval frame photo stand
wooden box doll house wijwaterbak
holder cushion photo stand rose print set
stand angel clasp sampler frame 1865 gordijnkoord
tiara Twiggy paper holder angel
corsage band marriage set souvenir tiny frame
tiny frame frame godslamp medaille & rozary
rozary pp ash tray vintage bag hang frame
wax maria wooden case tiny frame medaille
mini photostand set pair bisque doll violettes de Toulouse
mop set set old piano lamp candle stand
angel litho angel photo stand mauchline box mauchline egg
Bon Marche set au bon marche Muff set
angel box wall lamp ballet shoes
3 revue de la mode silver set vintage brooch powder case
powder sugar spoon tiny maria frame 50`s wall paper (7m~) baby-bed cross
photogravure 1898 mop vintage tassel thee zeefje
vintage tiny flowers lace basket baby item
fur muf-bag rozary party bag hat pin
tiny frame mop bag murano mirror
piano lamp bol & stand oil lamp photo stand
photo stand photo stand hat stand murano mirror
murano mirrior s hat stand mini torso piano lamp (pair)
tiny angel frame tiny angel frame bible & rozary tiny flower bouquet
dragee box rose hook angel mirror rose frame set
new year pack new year pack new yesr pack new  year pack
new year pack ner year pack new year pack new year pack
new year pack new year pack photo stand A curtain holder
old frame paper box tiny porc. box purce
silk case watch stand candle stand ballet shoes
piano lamp set candle holder wijwater bak pick set
photo stand set parts set lace shade
old box baby boxes powder box copper
p.p pots tiny basket veil set oval frame
pin cushion vintage bag special set special set
special set tiny hat lovely box wax flower set
godslamp godslamp wooden squere frame 2 tiny boxes
godslamp cross set X'mas special set ribbon
jewel box letter holder hat stand oil painting
oil painting angel soap box bebe box rozary
tiny rozary pink rozary clasp note book
small frame angel hanger coaster set shade
naaidoos bebe savon corsage corsage
set of 3 toast rack gods lamp set set
set  set set of 2 vintage set
tree ornaments tree ornaments tiny console oil painting
maria frame angel decoration set
puzzle photo stand poppen winkel wedding stand
oil painting oil painting floral book silver clasp
wax flower & chule floral basket floral basket corsage
corsage violet jewel box tiny wax corsage tiny maria statue
angel paper weight angel set poststamp box frame
bisque tiara chair book old box frame
mamy parts! small frame wax flower set wax flower
rozary box ornaments set candle holder(glass)
godslamp godslamp old church item ornament
ink pot souvenir spoons la mode illustee wall lamp
wall lamp candle stand tiny frame wine goods
ornaments ornaments ornaments ornaments set
candle stand bebe set X^mas set baby set
set set rose  set frame
parts angels in box angels in box angels in box
angel in box angel in box angels in box angel in box
angel in box metal box set antique frame
wall lamp shade shade shade
shade angels candle holder old candles glass rosary
maria frame tiny woodenbox oil lamp tea goods
tea strainer stamp mop jewel box
doll basket box lamp angel wall lamp
bed side lamp table lamp table lamp godslamp
godslamp tree candles set parts set
metal box piano lamp small frame la sainte famille
santa wooden box candle stand old tree <mini>
12ornaments 50 X`mas balls ornaments ornaments
ornaments ornaments ornaments ornaments
table clock set tiny doll stamps
4711 tree foot oval frame maria hanger
porc,candleholder set round tray
tiny basket doll basket miniture set sewing box
old tiny frame bronze set rose print
doll basket doll basket candle stand candle holder
angel wooden stand warmer rozary set
candle holder curtain binder set angel hanger
small boxes candle holder watch stand wooden box
small handy mirror glass candleholder porc.tray Murano mini mirror
Murano mirror old frame rocket buckle
buckle paper box parfum brooch tiny frame
holly set wooden angel N books angel set
tiny basket pin cushion & mesure wooden box bolls basket
frame powder case powder case set of 3
parts set tiny tray dance notobook necklace
frame wooden box set of 4 zilver beugle
opera glass ornament parts diary book maria statue
wax   maria medaille tiny boxes set HANSI set
HANSI set old frame old tools souvenir de alsace
souvenir de alsace souvenir d‘Alsace parts ink case
handy mirror old beads set old beads set tiny frame
frame doll cabinet toy coffee mill set (cat)
wooden angel gods lamp floral box
angel gips oil painting oil painting tiny tray
vintage hat hat stand bread basket candle stand set
bottle holder plant bak shoe clip piano lamp
candle stand purce stamp
gods lamp miniture miniture window screen
music paper oil painting vintage bag dressing tray
angel godslamp angel tin box dragee box angel plant cover
angel console silver purse set of 2 rose print set
table wear set 4 dragee boxes 3 dragee boxes dragee boxes
cake stand wine table tray
vintage frame set mop candle holder angel plate
antique cross set tiny bag small frames
wall tapestry stel engeltjes set of 2 maria lamp
wall candleholder photo brooch set godslamp
godslamp rozary medaille vintage necklace
piano lamp photo tree beugel violet box
limoge box mini frame vintage frame vintage frame
godslamp oil painting pearls
auction hammer stand hanger wedding stand photo stand
photostand painting painting jewel box
pot wall tapestry metal container
murano mirror 7 doll shoes glass cabinet godslamp
2 curtain hooks candle stand pair wooden box 2 bags
glass tray glass tray telegram holder LIEFDADIGHEID
wooden box photo stand oval frame goblin box
table mirror danish frame napkin holder round frame
tiny photostand rozary french basket french basket
2 gordijn haken surprise basket ballet shoes inscence stand
godslamp godslamp oil painting dans notebook
frame danish frame godslamp godslamp
curtain hook wooden panel godslamp godslamp
godslamp corsage basket stamp
ornament godslamp godslamp 2 frames
photo hanger oil painting tiny bear soap box bebes
murano mirror porc.tray Jewel box
fan wooden box rozary angel soapbox
doll wear doll wear 3 old paper boxes tiny frame
stes reliques rozary clasp tiny basket
wieg kruisje wieg kruisje bag (for remake) godslamp
godslamp godslamp ornament wooden frame
set of 2 photo stand W doll goods doll wear set
vintage frame vintage frame curtain hook frame
old tin box case motto bord pink rozary
toy cabinet toy cup holder tiny cabinet
hairpin box hatpins flower in box frame
frame photo tree godslamp jewel box
vintage frame poststamp case bottle labelhangers 3 frames set
blik vintage frame vintage frame vintage frame
vintage frame opaline tiolet stel  set of 2 tiara wooden box
french shelf gods lamp gods lamp tiny frame
rozary rozary holly frame old painting
pot cover frame angel deco mop salt spoon
tiny basket(dameged) small tray old bible rozary  case
fashion frame celluroid cross doll rose cross
parts wax flower hand clip small frame
wooden maria powder case wax flower wax flower set
tray vaseline glass rozary rozary oil painting
wooden box oil painting glass bottle opaline box
angel naaidoosje dragee box parfume bottle pp
auction hammer handy mirror wooden box photo stand
wooden box hat stand wooden maria angel medaille
pill box set floral basket mini photo stand
needle pin disc glass bottle opaline glass cushion
oval frame (wood) vintage hat watch stand tiny copper
powder boxes wooden angel parts set wooden frame
tiny lithograph photo stand wooden maria glasses&basket
Lancome sucredulcor tiny parasol set
tiny box small box stand souvenir album
crystal parts rose print french mirror frame
french frame wooden tray 4 tiny glasses godslamp
godslamp maria frame old bible frame
wax flower wall candle oil painting fashion print
set of 3 opera glass MOP set set
doll dress flower vase dragee box antique frame
hat stand tiny vase oval frame tin box
soap box books old small frame wooden box
wooden box wall hanger jewel box parts
tiny candlestand maria Maria tableau church item
bronze bronze bronze flower hat
antique tiny basket drawer glass box silver pencil holder
oil painting angel tiny rozary mop rozary
mop rozary mop rozary murano mirror frame
2tiny frames Winnie the Pooh wax flower < s > cosage
wedding set cosage wooden box cosage
cosage cosarge curtain hooks cross
cross maria statue maria frame old maria statue
oil painting gips angel pair bisque doll wear
set of 9 set of 13 frame old book
frame godslamp godslamp godslamp
oval mirror powder box glass box soap box
paper box shade cover pair bisque pair bisque
baby set set pot warm keeper oval frame
oval frame shade vaseline shade
shade shade shade shade
vaseline shade vaseline shade shade set lamp set
flower lamp hall lamp angel lamp
wall lamp wall lamp set glass parts jewel box
oval frame photo stand photo stand lace frame
baby set gordijn haken toy Lourdes
old print old print old print old print
old print old print old print old print
old print old print old print old print
old print 2 frames metal parts tiny frame
round box 2 frames dust box jewel box
toy p.p foot rest sewing cabinet wooden box
thimble case 2 corsage old corsage violet perfum
needle case easter egg box doll doll
silver&glas case jewel case pair bisque doll tiny box
rozary bisque pair opera glass De Gracieuse
pair doll candle stand set mop rozary soap box
soap box violettes des Toulouse needle stand needle case
metal basket rozary & case pop pair mini doll
souvenir souvenir memo tiny basket bag
piano lamp oval frame french photo frame mini frame
old jewel box chromo litho chromo litho chromo litho
hat stand box wedding set purce
mop rozary 19c glass blue glass pot for doll house
La Tosca wall tapestry murano mirrior <mini> wooden box
doll doll toy stand
pendant top bottle name hanger tiny frame vintage maria
woooden box Dames et des demoiselles bridesmaid set rozary
bisque maria old book set silhouette frame
gods lamp oude spiegel tiny frame wooden frame
photo stand photo stand photo stand
antique angel stand fashion prints 3 fashion prints 5 fashion prints 3
fashion prints 3 powder case powder case corsage
vaselline rozary wooden box half doll bird cage
parts photo stand photo stand old photo stand
parts fashion print fashion print fashion print
fashion print fashion print vintage photo hanger vintage photo hanger
old glass baby doll bed paper box corsage
cross p.p brooch wax flower corsage
corsage candle item metal tiny tray small dish puter
bebe brooch holly frame album souvenir photo brooch
small photo stand bisque doll pair porc.doll pot tin box
brod.bag music book clasp frame frame
holder french basket murano mirror bisque doll sheet
bisque USAGI pair wall candleholder gods lamp goebel maria statue
holy frame set of 2 tiny frame tiny frame (angel)
wooden box set of 2 special set F special set D
special set B special set A bear book cosage
cosage small cushion floral hat wooden frames
glass parts vintage glass necklace vintage glass necklace vintage glass necklace
french photo stand tiny painting pink rozary bisque angel
tiny basket old copper alumi box tiny frame
tiny frame blue rozary photo stand wooden box
J.b candle holder flower hat doll
doll bleu glass small frame 2 candle stands
tiny frame tiny frame tiny frame oil painting
rozary in case mop mop hat stand (roze)
jam pot parts set key hole wax maria frame
wax maria wall deco frame window decoration copper pot
angel console christmas special doll set music box
vintage necklace candle stand (pair) candle stand tiny candle holder
doll in egg! doll in egg tiny basket miniture shop
chiristmas box medaille set B X'mas ball set X'mas ball set
Xmas ball set piano lamp watch watch stand
tiny enamel button enamel button tiny tree! doll
glass paper weight celluroid fan mop purse soap box
wax flower set veel bloemen mop cross candle stand
candle stand frame stand frame stand set C
set B set A curtain hook curtain hook
curtain hook curtain rings set door knob
photo stand photo stand rozen glass mini tree rozary
tiny frame Loudre souvenir 2 photo stands photo stand
hand mirror music sheet old memo book vintage bag
shade shade shade shade
shade shade vaselline shade shade
shade shade vaselline shade table lamp
table lamp wall lamp wall lamp wall lamp
wall lamp wall lamp wall lamp wall lamp
tapestry 2 broochs 2 broochs tiny frame
siluette frame box bebe
rose brod,frame set of 3 hair clip stamp
rozary rozary green rozary MOP rozary
old  box clasp jewelly case
cosage cosage statue beads pouch
tiny sac wax flower tree decoration 2 ornaments
set of 7 set of 3 set of 3 set of 3
set of 5 set of 3 set of 5 set of 2
set of 3 set of 5 set of 5 small balls `50
5 ornaments ornaments ornaments in box ornaments in box
ornaments in box ornaments in box set of 5 set of 3
set of 3 ornament set ornaments in box ornaments in box
card holder old  tree old candles old candles
old candle holder kerst stal baby shoes baby doll
2 frames Holly  frame gods lamp photo stand
oval photo hanger photo stand tiny frame small frame
tiny frame floral tin box powder case tile
tile wedding stand wedding box cosage D
cosage C cosage A wedding veil gods lamp
bisque doll pin stand wall mirror mirror
doll house puff set tiny basket
tiny basket tiny basket bisque doll tiny frame
hand clip hand clip Guerlain Paris print
2 porc.dogs murano glass toy branco antique doll
murano mirror glass cabinet wooden box paper knife
wooden frame maria statue small Maria
special set doll bed wedding bouquet
goebel angels oil lamp bisque doll photo stand
french photo stand  2 paper boxes glass sewing kit
tiny barbora parfum bottle mop rozary mop rozary
mop rozary piano lamp piano lamp angel frame 2
candle stand set of 2 stand tiara
3cosages antique tiara fashion frame cloth brush
long tile candle stand wooden box frame
tiny frame glass candlestands surprise box small frame
la mode illustree 1887 le mode illustree 1888 tiny box 20*accessory
old painting gourmet set 12 X`mas balls tiny stand
tiny card case letter holder table mirror candle holder
painting (on metal) frame & card 2 old bibles small maria
oval frame 4coasters wine stopper angel mirror B
bell onderzetter hand clip hat stand
old box 2 frames set old doll antique photo stand
old ornament doll house candle stand tiny hat
mop rozary mop rozary mop rozary hat box
4 drage boxes lam 2 frames mirror frame
old print frame powder case wooden box oil painting
cosage in box tiny basket old bear
steiff parfume bottle poesie lijst bronze hangers 3
godslamp set set fashion print
fashion print cosage porc.dogs doll & chair
set of 2 beeds french mirror
tin box palette set of 2 frame 2 frames
tiny frame photo stand french mirror special set
copper pot hat stand(doll) tiny doll shoes doll pouch
baby shoes tile tile basket
gods lamp flower base angel (gips) rose print
frame set powder case angel candleholder
3 frame set candle stand pair stamp case photo frame
gods lamp parfum bottle flower hat flower hat
flowwer hat flower hat flower hat cosage set E
cosage set D cosage set C mini barbora mirroir paper weight
jewelly box rose print brooch purple rozary in case
photo stand photo stand la mode illustree 1867 la mode illustree 1889
toast rack 2 rose print half doll(damaged)
glass cabinet baby doll in basket 4 tiny frames basket
brod. frame set of 5 frame glass rozary white glass rozary
silver rozary maria brooch tiny frame oval photo stand
Guerlain parfum bronze shoe rose print frame rose print frame
la mode illustree 1876 mop rozary in case doll
door bell door bell fashion print bottle label hanger
doll doll old photogravures jewelly case <angel>
photo hanger googly pair doll AM antique doll wooden frame old
mop rozary in case soap box wooden frame frame
3 baby dolls miniture shop wall mirror 2 lace coasters
tiny painting glass pot mop rozary glass rozary
mop rozary blue glass rozary glass rozary in case godslamp (without glass)
gods lamp vaselline shade photo stand photo stand
googly card in frame old tin box old tin box
mop rozary photo album rozary in shell R/A kitchen clock
sampler frame 1908 sampler frame 1897 photo stand photo stand
R/A kitchen clock mode print in frame 2 small boxes rozary
antique french frame ribbon  parts parts set piano lamp
2 clasical frames jug&basin set tin box bapteme box
hand clip mop rozary frame
dolls roller curtain tool curtain tool
curtain tool curtain tool curtain tool curtain ring
piano lamp rose cosage stamp boissier
4 doll head & box old  parfum box rozary in case rozary
hat stand doll dress stand tiny basket Lourdes
rozary in case maria statue tissue paper case violettes de Toulouse
doll dress tiny photo stand glass bottle old pouch
clasp lace cushion fashion print old frame
wooden frame stand mirror french mirror rozary case
MOP rozary set angel clasp wall lamp
wall lamp chandellier chandellier vintage outside lamp
table chandellier wall lamp shade shade
shade shade shade shade
shade shade shade shade
shade shade shade shade
shade shade shade baby shoes
baby shoes small wooden frame paper cabinet fabric tape
fabric tape fabric tape fabric tape A 2 frames
wooden box old book small painting box
rose print set wedding stand fashion print fashion print
steiff steiff cokker small painting 2 frames
wedding set bapteme box lace in box lace in box
fabric box poesie in frame paper box long frame
frame thee zeef wooden tiny pot tiny case
ornament tiny case wall candleholder
la mode illustre 1872 oval frame frame mini mirror
powder angel bag clasp (angel) bag clasp (angel)
wedding box old oval mirror frame stamp set
photo frame photo frame photo frame photo frame
small box parfum bottle spa wooden box decorative iron
godslamp steiff steiff old souveier
necklace vintage tiny frame old case MOP rozary
MOP rozary  bag 3 frames set
bisque doll sheet bisque doll sheet french oval frame candle stand
les mode parisiennes les modes parisiennes doll house  shop poppen mandje
tiny frame tiny frame maria statue wall candle
glass rozary accessory stand alarm clock angel tile
2 angel items mode print D mode print C mode print B
mode print A clasp clasp angel clasp
bakelite clasp frame vintage bag muf for dolls
tiny lace glove old wooden frame doll Sir de Lourdes
special price set steiff? dog steiff
steiff muf steiff muf souvenir set old souvenie
5 oil on bord oil painting  mode print frame
oval frame lace shade lamp foot
tiny mirror vaselline button angel box opaline-glass pot
set watch stand angel tin box plant cover
leteer stand wax angel heart cushion candle stand
4 cosages powder box bisque tiny doll wooden frame
old french mirror holy water container soap box <angel> tiny parasol
photo stand old bottle old soap box violettes de la cote d`ajur
violet cosage small basket small tray tin box <cats>
10small boxes wall candle rose print
rose print oval small frame tinu tray 2glass cases
ribbon hook cosage rose print candle stand
small frame old maria photo hanger tiny frame
photo hanger photo stand vintage evening bag old frame
la mode illustree 1864 french basket porc.coaster tiny bowl
tiny bowl tiny bowl poppen cabinet
poppen wagentje candle stand wooden frame crystal candle stand set
bronze ornament googly pair spice cabinet candle stand
poppen bed curtain hook gordijn haaken powder box
candle pair wall candle tiny frame set round frame
frame wax flowwer wax flower wax flower
paper box candle stand tiny frame french frame
pop roze rozary letter opener? doll
cosage candle stand small box pearls in basket
oval frame small frame bag antique bag
bag clasp candle holder old copper S old X^mas boll 12
metal buttons frame wooden frame roze print
rose print small frame small frame applique
toy sewing machine mushroom tree deco tree top tree decorations
old tree decoration tiny frame toy sewing machine vintage SANTA
tiny candle stand set